Chapter Ten

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I spent the next few days by Chris' bedside in hospital; only leaving for a shower, change of clothes or a sleep now and again. I hadn't been eating because I was sick with worry and I lived on coffee. It kept me awake longer and comforted me ever so slightly.

Chris had received a blood transfusion and was recovering well. The doctors informed us he was healing quickly and would definitely be home before Christmas in under a weeks time. He was going to be staying with me.

His mother was away on holiday in Spain with her new partner. I had rang her to tell her of the accident her son had. She almost came home upon hearing her beloved son was in hospital but I promised I would take good care of him and keep her updated on his well being. I knew she trusted me to look after him.

His father, on the other hand, was a recovering alcoholic. He came to visit Chris but admitted to me that he wouldn't be fit to give him the attention he needed once he left hospital. I felt sorry for his father. When he lost his job he didn't know what to do with himself, he was unable to provide for his family and felt worthless. He turned to drink, his wife left him and he only had Chris to look out for him. The other siblings didn't want anything to do with him.

I lay back in the cream coloured hospital chair beside Chris. He slept soundly in the tiny bed next to me. My phone began to ring and I left the room briefly to answer it, not wanting to wake him. It was Simon, probably giving me updates on the garage.

"Your not-so-gay, famous friend called round AGAIN today."

"Did you tell him where I am?"


"Why not?"

"He'd probably barge in there and demand that you leave our dear Christophe and go canoodling with him."

"Hahaha he isn't that bad is he?"

"No, I guess not. He just really likes you. How's our patient?"

"He's sleeping at the moment, doing good though, the doc says he'll be out before Christmas."

"Oh thank God, is he staying with you when he gets out?"

"Yeah he is, you's are welcome to come join us for dinner Christmas Day?"

"I might but Joey is probably going to his girlfriends house, you know, couple and family bonding."

"Really? Fuck off!" I sniggered in disbelief.

"Yeah! Wait, hold on, I'll ask him."

He chuckled and I heard him shout over at Joey before replying.

"He said that he's coming to yours. Apperantly he broke up with her."

"Before Christmas? Probably didn't know what to buy her for a present. Either that, or it's an excuse to get out of her family dinner."

"That's terrible but true. Everythings fine here by the way, don't rush yourself coming back. I have everything in order."

"Thanks for looking after things Si. I booked Christmas week off for us all anyway but there better not be a stripper pole complete with dancers or something when I get back."

"No worries. Too kind, no but that's a good idea. Anyway, I'll let you go back to sleeping beauty and I'll pop by later on."

"Bye Si."


Chris was awake with the nurse when I went back into the ward. She greeted me with a smile and got on with her tests. She was a very smiley, happy person I had noticed. I gave her full dues because I could imagine being a nurse wouldn't be the easiest job to be cheerful in at the best of times. Chris beamed up at me and I couldn't help but laugh at how goofy he looked.

"What's the smile for?"

"The nurse here was telling me I'm being let out later on."

"Oh really?" I smiled and looked over at the petite nurse for confirmation she nodded and smiled as well.

"Simon and Joey are coming over for Christmas."

"Seriously? Ella they will eat all the food!"

"The bang on your head really didn't do your brain any harm." I laughed and so did the nurse.

"Miss is it okay if I talk to you for a moment? Just about when Christopher leaves here."

"Nurse, how many times! It's Chris, please." He glanced over at her with a joke serious face.

"Of course." I nodded and followed her out of the room rolling my eyes at Chris.

She told me how he was recovering fast but still to be careful. She gave me general tips on looking after him and signs to look out for that tell me that he needs to come back in. I was glad of her information because I wouldn't have much of a clue, although they were impressed with the way I handled his accident in the first place.

"He tells me lots about you when you go at night or for showers and fresh clothes you know." She smiled.

"Oh? That worries me, God knows what hes been saying."

"No need to worry, he just really loves you and basically worships the ground you walk on - his words not mine." She laughed raising her hands up in a surrender pose. "He was so annoyed about the date on Friday, telling me you finally agreed and then he bashed his head in."

"Oh yeah, trust him haha, thank you for looking after him so well."

"It's my pleasure, hes a good 'un."

"When hes not acting like a three year old." I added before leaving her to get on with her work.

I entered the room and Chris was smiling over at me again. I was beginning to get suspicious. His eyes glistened mischieviously and I squinted my own to try get whatever he was thinking out of him.

"Will you pack my stuff up please?" Chris asked me politely and I began to do what I was asked. I bent down to get his bag and peeped under my shoulder to see him staring at my ass.

"Are you looking at my arse?"

"I want your ass, baby I'm going home this evening and I'm going to have your ass."

"Did you text the boys to tell them you were getting out?"

"No, should I?" He stated jokingly as if it never crossed his mind.

"Yes! And ring your mother and father too. I'm going to get a coffee, do you want one?"

"Can't you do it? No thanks."

"I'll text the boys but you ring your parents, I'm sure they are sick of my voice at this stage."

"I'll never get sick of your voice."

"There is the phone, ring your parents." I ordered firmly handing him his phone off the locker. I really did have to baby him sometimes but somewhere deep down I knew I loved it.

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