Chapter Thirteen

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It was a picturesque New Years night. I glanced out of the five star hotel window at the snowy scene that was before me. I turned around to the long mirror in the hotel room, studying my appearance. The dress I wore was sexy, I must admit. It didn't leave very much to the imagination.

It was a beautiful deep burgandy colour. It hugged my body, had a deep plunge line going almost to my belly button, my breasts popped out of it nicely. It was backless with a slinky affect near my rear and of course it had a split leg. I wore the large diamond necklace that I had recieved from Sebastian for Christmas with it.

I had been treated to professional's doing my makeup and hair, which was no harm as compared to the celebrities that were currently piling in downstairs, I would look shameful. I was nervous. I began to feel nauseous so I sat on the edge of the huge hotel bed. Sebastian came out of the luxurious bathroom we were sharing dressed in a black tux. His hair had also been professionally styled.

I tried to focus. I knew I didn't belong here. Sebastian came over to sit on the bed next to me. I watched as his hungry eyes devoured my body. He had already lectured me on the way here that I was just as deserving to be his date as anyone, which I strongly disagreed with. However, he made me promise to cheer up which was proving difficult.

He checked his expensive Armani watch and informed us we had to get going downstairs. He grabbed my freshly manicured hand and gave it a squeeze. I wasn't even sure how to act around these people. I probably wouldn't know half of them.

"You'll be fine Gabriella. Stop worrying. I'm not going to leave your side."

I nodded and we stepped out of the quiet elevator into a crowded hotel lobby. There were cameras left, right and centre which were inescapable. We made our way over to the suite where the main events would be taking place. I was horrified by the glances I recieved. I could hear the whispers about me as I walked hand in hand with Seb past the numerous celebrities. No doubt I would be their meal of gossip that they would feast on for the rest of the night.

I spotted Sabrina just as she spotted me and she came gliding across the room with a pearly white smile to meet us. I was glad that she was making an attempt to actually socialize with us as although everyone was briefly greeting us, they were also taking time to discuss us.

"Oh my word, you look ravishing Gabriella!"

"Thanks to you."

"Oh now the stylists were nothing and Seb basically designed that dress for you himself with a pointer from me here and there. It's natural beauty you hold."

"He never told me that one?"

"I am surprised! Everyone is staring at you, I've had so many people coming and asking me who you are and where you got the dress. Gabriella they think you are an upcoming model or something! Apart from the odd few that read that magazine article somehow, probably friends of that slut Cat. Speaking of which she is coming our way."

Sabrina was in an extremely chatty mood. I had realised while getting my makeup and hair done with her that this was in fact the normal her. I was shocked the most by the fact we actually got on really well.

"Sebastian, darling!" I could tell it was Cat by her annoying whine that rang out over the crowd, even though I had never met her. Neither of us turned around to face her, although a few people infront of us began to watch.

"Sab, what do I do?" I hissed unsure whether I should handle things my way when she did show up. If it was my way, I would definitely make a scene which I didn't want. Sabrina told me she would handle it just before Cat arrived. She landed two big kisses on both of Sebastian's cheeks before turning to face me with her face crinkled in disgust.

"You brought a date? Her to be precise." She stated coldly to Sebastian who wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me impossibly closer to him. He was so warm and I seemed to fit almost perfectly by his side. Just like Chris. Why did I have to think of him?

"Yes I did bring a date, isn't she stunning?"

"No she is a commoner. She is a filthy servant to car owners."

"Excuse me?" Sab butted in.

"You heard me! How could you even spoil one of your fabulous dresses on her Sabrina? You are better than that."

"Spoil my dress on her?!" Sab had raised her voice in disgust causing more heads to turn our direction. "She can wear that better than you could. Her body is real and so is her personality. Which can't be said for you."

"Well your brother loves it, isn't that right Sebby? I mean after all, he made our baby with me and his big boy doesn't get hard over nothing."

"I agree with my sister. You know well that you looked like an easy fuck when I was bored and most importantly you know that is not my baby. Gabriella is miles more beautiful from anyone I've ever seen. Especially you."

"I'm so sorry to interupt but Sebastian, your date - I'm sorry I don't know your name yet but your dress is magnificant! All us girls are drooling over how gorgeous you are! Who are you modelling for? Sebastian you are so lucky!" A very pretty young woman came over with her friends who I recognised from various films.

"Oh thank you, I'm Gabriella and Sabrina designed it with Sebastian for me."

"So beautiful. We must chat later! I didn't realise Cat was here." She sneered before walking off.

"Cat can you leave us alone please?" I asked her politely.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" She screamed. I was taken back but I didn't show it. Everyone in the proximity of us turned to face us.

"I think I am the person you're jealous of and should be very afraid of. I asked you politely to leave us alone but you had to make an outburst. I pity you in a way, I guess no one else wants you either. You'll learn yet Cat, you have to respect others if you want to be respected yourself and very little people can turn that around after being disrespectful. Anyway! Seb should we go get something to drink now? My mouth is a little dry from yawning at her pathetic attempts at I don't know- pulling you?"

I ignored the crowds, I ignored Cat and I glanced up at Sebastian adorably. There was a glint of proudness in his eyes.

"Of course. I could always hydrate you myself?" He smirked swooping in for a show stopping kiss. I hoped that it wasn't caught on camera but I knew it would be after the Cat encounter. "Later I'll be giving you something a little more.. flavoursome to swallow." He grinned, patting my ass. "If I can wait that long." He added walking off with me by his side, leaving Sabrina talking to some other girls.

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