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Drago teases my lips with his tongue, just soft enough to make my hairs stand on end drawing my mouth open. One of his hands glides from my neck to my hair, he yanks my roots geting me to squeal. We both let out huffs of a laugh before I pull away, a groan leaveing him, swollen mouth pouting in the way only he can.

"Jade..." His gruff voice comes outs softly next to my ear, his hand moving back to my neck.

" not ready for that yet" my fingers move to my lips to feel if they're as puffy as his, they are.

"Why?" He kisses my pluse nibbling just a tiny bit.

"You told me, no tongue until day 10! You were the one who set the time limit, im only abiding by your rules."

" Hmm, " he hums lifting his other hand off the wall behind us.

This is Drago, like cargo with a D. He rarely says more than four words in a sentence and has the school hanging on every, single, word. Six weeks ago, I  stomped up to him as he was on his phone leaning on a random desk in a class he didnt even go to, it took quite awhile to find him and  when i did i asked him if he was willing to tutor me. He had the nerve to say... Well nothing! He stared at me as if he was expecting more to spew out of my mouth. which made me frusterated and flustered and well kinda of in a blabbering mood so i added without much thought.

"You bafoon! I am in need of your help! I am going to fail! I need a guy with good grades and you have the highest marks in all of yours classes, i admire that spunk. So please!" when i finished i started to hyperventilate I took four deep breaths and looked up at him as he leaned against his desk. Eyebrow slightly cocked.

"80 dollars a session." he said tonelessly. Right...  money.

"W-Wait, um..." i grabed my wallet to look inside, I had one job over the summer and it didnt pay great and i cant work while doing school otherwise my bad grades will turn into no grades becouse i cant. do. both. So 120$ is all i have to my name.

"i can do one session..." I said softly, it came out quietly enough I didnt know if he heard, so  i asked instead, "How long are the sessions?" taking 80$ from my wallet, crushing them slighly in my  desperate grasp.

"hour, thirty." he replyed.

Thats going to have to be enough, lets focus on... "can you deal with 30 minutes on english, 45 on History, and 25 on math."

"wait... maybe 35 on history and 35 on math, i think really need help with that!." i put the ball of cash in his hands closing his fist with mine. looking deeply into his eyes with my puppy dog stare.

" Noted." he nods then waits for a few seconds seemingly thinking over his words, "only one?" Nevermind, he clearly heard me earlier. I sighed but nodded.

" i dont have that kind of money." I frowned at my hands still forcing his to close around my- his money. quickly drawing my hands back i wiped them on my jeans nervously. This guy makes me anxious, but i have to get used to it.  hopefully i can pick up some odd jobs to get more cash

then a bad idea came to mind "can i pay with something else?" I could be the person who makes him lunch! Or maybe, I could like- wash his car or do his chores, maybe even watch his dog! He might not have a dog. i'd watch his cat too! This could be fun. One of his eyebrows raises higher than last time but still only just a bit. 

"something else?" he moves his arms that were supporting him and crosses them.

"I-If I can!" I smile at him; happy that he's willing to help me." Anything. "

"your body?" he asks as if thats what he thinks i meant.

My mouth drops open. "No! I meant like cleaning your room or like doing your laundry or something like that!" i cover my cheeks that flamed up.

"Wouldnt that be super awkward with me!? " I shake my head.

"No."i add,  before looking up at him to see a twinkle in his eyes. i bite my knuckle... I know!

"I could kiss you!" its the best of both world. "to warn you though, i've been told im not a very good kisser. " I frown for a second, lets not think about him.

He stands to his full height and i have to take a step back to even see his face. Dargo thinks over my... Idea.

"Name?" He asks. Oh right, "Jade Delrico." I take my thumb out of my back pocket and go to shake his hand out of habit. He uncrosses his arms and takes my hand.

His hands are cold... clamy.

"Dargo Koa."


Only four months before finals, we decide once a week, each session is a kiss (and 20 bucks) after 10 sessions his price raises becouse we would focus on harder things and tests, he said i'd have to french kiss him. With tongue! I knew what french kissing meant i swear but you didnt, right?

 With tongue! I knew what french kissing meant i swear but you didnt, right?

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One small step for jade

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One small step for jade

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