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Beep! Beep! Beep--! I groan as I slam my hand onto the side table and shut off my alarm. "I hear you..." I groggily complain from being awoken from my peaceful slumber. Before I can question why I set my alarm to go off so early, I remember the reason. Today is the last day of my current semester before I go on a small break, and I have a huge exam to complete.

It's nothing to be too excited about, except it is one of the last semesters that I will complete before I finish school and become a Veterinary Ornithologist. I have been working myself to the point of exhaustion studying and making sure I would be on top of all my subjects. I flip off my covers and swing my legs over the edge of my twin-sized bed. After standing slowly, I stretch my stiff back and arms before trudging to my bathroom.

I flip on the light and flinch at the sudden change of environment around me. After the pain in my eyes has subsided, I grab onto my hairbrush and carefully detangle my wavy, golden hair, and carefully twist it into a simple braid to keep it held back.

Then I proceed to continue with my morning routine. I go back into my shared bedroom and head over to my wardrobe and pick out my outfit for the day. I end up choosing a baby blue and light grey striped, short-sleeved shirt with faded denim jeans, and my favorite sun necklace.

Once changed out of my pajamas, I quietly make my bed, grab my phone and my keys, and put them in my purse. I then grab my notecards and go through them, as I go out into the hallway to get ready to head to my class for my test.

As I pass the living room and head to the kitchen, I am greeted by the smell of eggs cooking, mixed with the sweetness of brown sugar and maple. I finally arrive in the kitchen and find none other than my friend and housemate, Aerith, cooking at the stove. "Good morning, Aerith. I cheerily greet her.

"Good morning sleepyhead." She replies, without turning around. "I was hoping you would be awake. You do have a big day today."

"You can say that again. If I didn't stop myself from studying, I probably would have fallen asleep during the exam." I joked.

"Honestly, Phaedra. You can study all night long without a wink of sleep and when the sun rises, you are replenished with energy." Aerith admits, as she turns and hands me a plate. I take the plate that is piled on with scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast with raspberry jam, and a side of oatmeal with blueberries.

"Aerith, you truly are an angel sent to earth." I sigh happily, as I sit on an island stool. "Thank you for making breakfast. It looks delicious."

"You're welcome. I know you're going to be in the classroom for about two to three hours, so I hope this can hold you over until you either get a break or finish the test." She smiles, sitting next to me with a helping of her own.

"I hope so too. After this semester, I will be closer to receiving my degrees and I can happily start working my dream job."

"You and me both." Aerith agrees, taking a bite of toast.

Aerith and I met during orientation and became instant best friends due to our love of nature. She is studying botany, particularly the Anthology field. Aerith loves flowers and wants to protect endangered plants from becoming extinct.

We became dormmates and along the way, she introduced me to a few of her friends who also studied on campus. Eventually, we all rented a house together and we have been the closest of friends.

"Do I smell breakfast?" a cheery voice questions, causing Aerith and me to peek our heads at the entrance and see another housemate, Yuffie, walk in.

"Yep. You're just in time, Yuffie." Aerith answers with a smile.

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