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I was talking with Jay about his next game since I was curious on what they do because Niki never

Wants to tell me

Jay: Are you coming to the next game?

Y/n: Yes

Jay: It would be good to see you there since you never go

Y/n: I'm too busy because I actually study

Jay: Blah, Blah how boring!

Y/n: Well talking about the next game is Niki playing?

Jay: He always is because his one of the best players

Suddenly I felt some arms wrap around my waist

Niki: Y/n you should be asking me not him!

Y/n: Niki get off me!

Jay: I'm leaving you two love birds

Niki: Jay! We are just friends

Y/n: Exactly what he said

Jay: Yeah you two really act like friends

He sounded like he was being sarcastic

Niki: Because we are friends

Y/n: Well if you want them to believe that then let me go!

Niki: Ok ok

He let go of me and I went behind him so he wouldn't hug me again

Jake: Y/n!

Y/n: Jake?

How does the Jake know my name?

Jake: You left this on my desk yesterday

Y/n: T-thanks

Niki: You could've told me so I could give it to her

Jake: I'm not trying to flirt with your girlfriend. But I mean if she wants me what can I do?

Niki: She doesn't so leave!

I smiled at Jake before he left and he smiled back at me!!! He had the prettiest smile ever!

Y/n: I need to go find a new book are you coming with me?

Niki: I can't I have basketball practice

Y/n: So your not coming to the first half of the class?

Niki: Nop

Y/n: Good, finally I'm going to have peaceful time

Niki: I know you will miss me. So come to my practice

Y/n: No I prefer my studies over your practice

Niki: Well your missing it

He left and I went to the libary to get a new book since I had read almost every book in that library.

After finding a book I took a sit and I started reading but I heard some girls talking too loud

Xx: Y/n is such a bitch

Were they talking about me?! Probably since their life isn't interesting they have to talk about someone

Else life

Xx: I know I hate her! And Niki should be mine not hers

Xx: Right he is so handsome to be with that loser

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