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I married Niki 8 years ago he finally builded up the courage to ask me to marry him and years after

We had a kid

Riki: Mommy if you met daddy like that can I marry sunoo! I love sunoo

Y/n: Riki things don't exactly work like that

Niki: Of course you can marry sunoo

Riki: I'm marrying sunoo tomorrow and I will love him forever!

Y/n: You Can Love him but don't marry him yet maybe a pretty girl comes into your life

Riki: No I want sunoo!

Niki: Riki, sunoo is just a best friend what if he doesn't love you?

Riki: He love me


I married Niki 5 years ago we have been together for 10 years and we named riki after his dad

Because Niki's real name is riki. We were out at a birthday party and riki was playing with sunoo

Riki: Sunoo do you like me?

Sunoo: No I don't like you...I love you!

Riki: I love you too

How cute! I saw sunoo lean in and kiss riki I quickly rushed towards them and separated them. Riki

Already had his first kiss?!

Y/n: What happened?

Riki: Sunoo is my boyfriend!

Y/n: Riki he can't be your boyfriend

Sunoo: Mrs.Yang but I love riki!

Y/n: You two are too young to be dating maybe when you grow up

Niki: Love let them play

Y/n: Didn't you just see they kissed?

Niki: They know they are just friends so let them play don't ruin the fun for them

Riki: Yes mommy don't

Sunoo: Mr.Yang me and riki are dating

Niki: Congratulations!

Niki as always a playful dad but imagen if riki was a girl he would be fighting all the boys


12 years later

Sunoo: Riki babe I'm hungry

I didn't expect riki and sunoo to end up together they became a actually couple 2 years ago so they have been dating for two years

Niki: Who would think they would actually end together

Y/n: Aish Niki go take care of Hana!

Niki: She's fine she's already 10 years

Y/n: Both my son and daughter have such good boyfriend's

Niki: Hana has a boyfriend?!

Y/n: You didn't know?

Niki: No I didn't! That girl she's in big trouble

I grabbed Niki's hand and took him to our room and then locked the room then I kissed him

Y/n: She doesn't

Niki: You really want to have another kid?

Y/n: No that's what I less want!

Niki: I love you y/n

Y/n: I love you too niki and I hope we always love eachother

Niki: I'm sure we will so don't worry about what the future has for us we will always stay together like we did in elementary, middle school, high school, and college lastly I love you very much love

I kissed Niki and he kissed me back...Seeing our kids grow is making us realize that we aren't as young

as we were once but as I promised I will always love him and him only the person that always made

me happy is the person I will always love because love might not be everything but love is something

you want to experience even if it doesn't end well it will always be something amazing to experience

and I hope you find your love one soon


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