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I was at the party it was late at night almost 10pm I was with hanni and Liz since we decided to stay

together but one of us always kept leaving and we always had to find eachother but then we went to

sit down and it was almost time for me to leave because I didn't find parties fun

Jake: Y/n are you almost leaving?

Y/n: Yes why?

Jay: Could you take Niki to his house his very drunk and your the only one that knows where he lives

Y/n: I ca-

I felt someone hugging me and I quickly pushed whoever was hugging me and I turned around

Niki: ow y/n!

Y/n: I'm not taking him to his house tell him to go his self

Jungwon: Jay come on baby let's leave I'm tired

Jay: I'm going love

Hanni: Ewww how cringy!

Liz: That was disgusting

I rolled my eyes at Niki

Sunghoon: Y/n your the only one that didn't drink now take him home

Y/n: And his girlfriend Sooha?

Jake: She wasn't invited to this party

Y/n: Ok fine


While I was walking with Niki we didn't talk until we got to his house he grabbed my hand and

hugged me I couldn't hug him back because his dating Sooha and I'm not like the girls that would

Just them even though they had a
girlfriend/boyfriend  and I don't plan to be one

Y/n: Niki stop

Niki: Y/n don't act like we don't need to talk

Y/n: We don't! When will you understand everything was just a mistake we both made

Niki: Why do you think it was a mistake?

Y/n: I just don't feel like it was right...and why do you still care about that? Aren't you dating Sooha?

Niki: I care because it's you I care about you I still do...

Y/n: Niki if you really care leave me alone

You keep hurting me more then anyone every did and you still say you care about me?...Only if you


Niki: Y/n I miss you

Y/n: Niki what do you think those word will do? Make me come back to you? And act like everything is doing normal

Niki: I'm not say that

Y/n: Niki let's just stay was friends


It's been 1 week since me and niki have talk hanni is always trying to leave us two together and it never

works I don't know how to act around him I always end up saying dumb things...Tomorrow is

valentines I guess keeping a 19 years strike isn't bad! Today I was walking around the campus and

a boy came up to me and gave me some flowers and asked me to be his valentines I rejected him my

heart isn't ready to love another man...

Sunghoon: Tomorrow is valentines and a lot of girls already asked me to be their valentines

Jake: Same bro

Jay: I already have one

Jungwon: They know

Y/n: I only got asked out by one person

They all turned to look at me and they all said "Niki!"

Everyone: Niki?!

Y/n: What no not him

Hanni: Oh

Hanni: Me and Liz are still single

Y/n: What about me, sunghoon, and Jake?

Hanni: Y'all already got asked out be at least one person

Sunghoon: Losers no one likes you two

Y/n: I feel like sunghoon and Liz will end together and the Jake and hanni will end with someone else

Liz: What did I do to be with him?!

They all kept making fun of eachother I missed Niki he was always with us either laughing or sleeping

but he was always with us but now he is always with sooha's friends not with us is it weird that I

Miss him? Maybe I should try and talk with him why should I even try we always end up fighting


I was leaving school and someone pulled me behind the school and pushed me on the wall and I look up

Y/n: Who are y-

Niki: Y/n will you be my valentines?

Y/n: Really?

Niki: Ok before you say no! I just have to say that me and Sooha are not dating anymore!
And I have liked you since we were little kids
so it's another reason to say yes

Y/n: Niki I...don't know

I looked at the matching necklaces I had with Niki and took it off and put it on my hand then opened

Niki's hand and gave it to him. We said that if one of us every took the necklace off we would stop

being friends

Niki: Why are you giving it back?

Y/n: Niki I don't want to be friends anymore

Niki: W-why?

Y/n: Let's be more then friends I'm tired of living a life without your hugs, kisses, and cuddles

I stood on tippy toes and gave Niki a kiss and then smiled he then grabbed me and gave me a kiss Niki

moved his lips and I had to keep up with the kiss it lasted for 1 minute then we separated and I hugged

him even though he was so much taller then me.

Niki: y/n will you be my girlfriend?

Y/n: Yes!

Niki: I love you

Love is a really strong word but I love Niki too I realized that last year but then gave up but now I'm

Here again with the person that makes me happy without even trying. I looked around to see if there

was no one and the said

Y/n: I-I lo...Love you to. I Love you!

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