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Night falls, Trebor still rests for a while in his bedroom window, the dark blue light reflecting off the street and the white houses, especially Amber's house. Only a weak light appears in your window, you must be watching TV. The shadows of the tree begin to decline.

For moments she thinks that Amber has gone unnoticed, suddenly slight changes that take her breath away. He thinks that his hormonal system is more attentive like a seventh sense. As if it had radar like a hammerhead capturing every millimeter. Now Amber is more different and begins to show more and he is more attentive. Her chest is starting to grow, and it will continue to grow until it surpasses the models on the calendar, so it will have you pining like a kettle.

He is tempted to paint his nails and jerk off with the magazine. She thinks for a moment that Ralph wasn't joking...she could use better fake nails the size of lioness claws...she stops. He says quietly. Damn what am I thinking. He laughs for a moment... tomorrow when they are at school he will bother Ralph, ask him where he got the varnish to paint his nails... then he will tell him that by not buying it he swiped it from his mother... he yells out the window. Ralph you are the mayor asshole!

He laughs for a moment, it's too good an idea and tempting if it had Amber's varnish on it. Stop thinking about the matter. She hasn't even wanted to look at the magazine that was stolen from Steve's brother, even though it looks more attractive than the Internet, like a treasure.

Take the computer. Thank god for inventing the computer and video games. He thinks that he was born in the best time of all the eras of the earth. As his teacher says, God created the earth just for this season to stand out, movies, games, food, music, if he comes back to visit surely the apocalypse will come. It's the only thing he's learned in Religion class. They all believe in god and they all pay strange attention to the course.

Suddenly he leaves the room and goes to the kitchen for some good macaroni and some Doritos and Mustard and Mustard, that's all... he's going to play the console all night, that's all.

He checks that no one is in the flat, and quickly sneaks to the fridge. The only thing he doesn't want is for his father to keep talking about the internet. It won't tell you anything about it either. Open the fridge and take what you can.His father's voice speaks to him as he goes up the stairs. Before his father says anything else.

"Sorry to be rude..." says Trebor."

It's okay... you were going to crush it at that moment... Trebor you were at your point..."

they both laugh...

"you will unlock the internet speed to download..."

"No...""What would you do..."

"I'd steal a magazine...I mean, I mean...damn, but of course you won't do any of that..."

"It doesn't matter, I became a Mormon. I'll wait until I'm married."

Turn on the console. He'll play Halo until he forgets everything and then he'll sleep like an angel.

He turns on the green neon in the room and that's it, he puts on his headphones.

"hello MadiXX... don't get detached from the console..."


"You must be the most murderous girl on the planet"

"there is always someone else"

"Or it could be a hoax, so you become obsessed with playing. It is always the same in all network games"

"I would still play it"

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