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Trebor has gotten up early and has gone to Trent's house. Trent lives close to the school, a big house with two elms in the garden, plus a big garden in the back with a big swimming pool. Trebor knows that Ashly Wilfor lives three houses away.

Before it's time to go to school, he goes ahead and waits on the front steps, visualizing Ashly's house. A dark lilac-colored house, with a hundred-year-old oak tree in the garden. The window of his room is on a side wall. You can see the curtain moving in the wind.

"The only good thing about this street is that there is an illusion of Ashly's sale..." Trebor tells Trent, who stands by his side, and looks off into the distance.

"Ashly has cut her hair." Trent says.

As the two make their way down the platform, Rob steps between them, causing them to move to the sides.

"And where do the girls go... to take their virginity for a walk in the park... or take their virginity to urinate, to take it to the seesaw..." Rob is a great mass, he doesn't even wear himself out by looking at his faces which is intimidating, as if waiting for them to grow up.

"We'll go to the park and push our virginity on the swing..." Trebor says, taking a step back, Rob is like a barrel, a very heavy barrel and he feels his shadow reach him.

for a moment Rob looks over at Trent's house and turns serious. "Oh Trent, excuse me, say hello to your sister... don't forget to tell her about me." Rob turns to Trebor and clicks his mouth and left his left eye half closed "and Trebor you have to name your virginity if You're going to take her to the park for a walk."

"And what was your name?" Trebor says.

Rob seems to laugh but gives up.

"I never named my virginity because I was never on the radar."

"Exactly like your imaginary penis..." Trebor wanted to say little to Poya, but it's better to calm down.

"exactly.... I did the magic trick I put it in the pussy hat... and some magic words like kadabra and that's it..."

"Rob, calm down..." Trent tries to stop Rob. Standing between himself and Trebor.

"Sure I'm calm Trent...Trent see you later." Rob grabs the collar of Trent's polo shirt and throws him into disarray. He looks into his eyes and makes a face, expressing that it looks better on him that way. He then turns his back on her and walks away.

"Fuck...why does everyone have a big sister, or a big brother who saves their lives," says Trebor, as his polo collar unravels.

"You wouldn't like Trebor, believe me..."

"damn, now I'm on the radar... what should we do..."

"Before I name my virginity, I think I'll take her on a swing for a while, sounds good."

"Trent you are a virgin"

"Yeah," Trent says.

Trevor laughs.

"what did you think"

"I would have believed, anything you would have said"

"let's run with our virginities, the last virginity to get to school pays..."

"I told you. You say the word and now, you can't stop listening to it." Trebor stands up from the bench and turns his back to the main building.

"They're all virgins." Lana says.

"But now I'm more of a virgin. Level ten thousand virgin with extra bonus, with passport included, each month will be a season, with a name."

"Exactly...it's like you stopped working on it." Tom says.

"passive virgin." says Trend.

"I look like a bottom virgin. I'm the hammer," says Trebor.

"Lana you can't talk about this." says Trend.

"Alright." Lana makes a face with her mouth.

"I'll name my virginity like Rob says, I'll name it..."

"Bandido...sounds less passive" says Lana, who makes a half smile.

"Sounds good Lana, but... what are we thinking..."

"You have to look... like... Damn, I'm a virgin but I'm working on getting rid of the... future non-virgin thing. It's almost like not being."

"You think I look like Pember...look at him, that's a level ten thousand virgin, extra Bonus live. plus four whole sagas" says Trebor.

they all turn to Pember. He is a skinny boy with glasses.

"Pember has a better chance, nerds are a big community. His language is more direct. He'll tell a girl to sleep with him on a math equation, and she'll do it." Lana says.

"I can't believe Pember fooled you with such nonsense." Trebor turns to Lana and back on the road.

They enter the main hallway, heading towards the lockers. Trebor has put on his Energizer battery shirt. It doesn't seem like such a sorry day. Only a few heads detail them.

"In the future our teacher says we'll have a wife like Kin Kardashian. Back in the day everyone had a baywatch. What do we worry about..." says Trend.

"And what will you do now... we are in the present... what! we will buy a poster."

Ralph runs over, unloads the suitcase.

"Ralph, what's wrong with your hand..." says Trebol.

"They haven't jerked off with their painted nails... well I forgot to unpaint them..."

Trend laughs out loud, Trebor opens the locker while shooting Ralph a pointed look. Trent approaches Ralph and tells him to show him. They laugh again...

"because it hadn't occurred to me... damn... "Trebor slams the locker door..."no wonder your hand smells like girl's perfume..."

"and I'll buy her another wig..." Ralph takes out his puppet.

"You want to get fucked hide that shit.... Hide it now! "Trebor butts his head through the locker door. "I am the passive"

"It's one more note that I need... it's just one hour of puppets and that's it, extra note"

"You always so collaborative." Trebor says.

"Sounds like a good idea... wow... it's annoying... I would have put a red wig on her..." Steve starts laughing out loud again "I would have put red lipstick on her"

"Call her mamba Ashly..."

"I'll name his mamba Amber Steven..."

"What was missing...what's happening is real..." says Trebor.

"The art teacher..." Ralhp turns to the striding teacher, and waves at them. "Miss Emily, Miss Emily...a project of Steven's...that we should do..."

"whose" Steven's back is turned, as he checks the locker, then he turns around and sees Ralph's smile walking away in the direction of the teacher... Steve runs off ready to hit Ralph...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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