Imagine 1 - hangout

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Y/N = Your Name
C/N = Crush Name
F/N = Friend Name
C/M = Crush Mum
C/F = Crush Friend
C/S = Crush Sibling
C/E = Crush Eye colour

You kept looking at the clock on the wall, waiting for lunch to hit. Finally you hear the bell ring and you quickly pack up and speed walk out of the room with your friends.

You all sat down with C/N sitting right next to you. C/N was one of your really good friends and you had known him for about a year now. You guys all started talking about how funny the language lesson had been because of your classmates. As usual you felt your leg brush against C/N's. This happened all the time, during class and recess and lunch. You knew you had a really big crush on him and had a little feeling he liked you back, but you had no idea if he liked boys.

"So Y/N, who's you crush?" C/N asks, your faces are a few inches apart and he was staring right into your eyes, never breaking eye contact. You controlled your blushing and just ignored him, looking back to face your other friends.

"Wow, still ignoring me. Can you give me a hint at least?" You turn to look at him before sighing, knowing that there was no way out of this.

"He has C/E" You replied before continuing to eat.

"F/N, put that in the notes!" C/N exclaimed. Ever since he found out that you have a crush he's been trying to figure out who it is, over time you've given him hints and all of them are in F/N's notes. You were getting nervous because they were pretty close to finding out who you liked and you really didn't want to ruin the friendship. Finally the bell went and you all got up and went to English.

You were now at C/N's house because you were both bored. You had been there a few times before and his family loved you.

"Y/N it is so nice to see you again!" C/M says whilst engulfing you in a tight hug, his mum knew you liked C/N somehow and was supportive of it.

"Ma, please don't kill him" C/N sighs whilst softly separating you two, C/M chuckles a little before giving you a wink. You blushed a little before following C/N to his room.

You sat down on the edge of his bed as he did the same. You sat in silence for a few seconds before he tackles you, so now he was above you.

"Who's your crush?" He asks again. You laugh a bit before looking away from his eyes. He grabbed your chin with one hand, the other supporting himself so he doesn't fall on you. He forces you to look him in the eyes and that's when you realise that he was being serious.

"If you won't tell me, I'll give you a few hints on who mine is"

Your eyes light up and give him a look that says 'I'm listening'. He gets off you and drags you up as well.

"Well, it's a guy", he starts by saying which makes you happy knowing that you have a chance, "and he's in our class".

You start to name all the boys in the class and he says no to every one of them. There's only you left but you went against saying your name, not having any hope that it was you.

"You forgot to name someone" Your eyes widen a little and you start to look nervous, he moves closer so once again, you guys are a few inches apart. "Have you ever thought that maybe I like you, Y/N?"

Your heart does backflips as he looks deep into your eyes. "Well no, because you don't like me" You blurt out, convincing yourself that he doesn't like you.

"Says who?" C/N whispers, before you can answer you feel his lips connect yours. You're shocked for a second before you melt into the kiss. It only goes for a few seconds before you both pull away, neither of you say anything for about 15 seconds until C/N speaks up.

"So Y/N, I guess I'm your crush" You smile before nodding. You both laugh a little before going in for another kiss, you feel immense butterflies in your stomach as your lips connect again before C/M walks in.

She squeals before clapping, screaming about how proud she is of both of you. C/S walks in and asks what happened and his mum briefly explains before squeezing both of you. C/N looks really embarrassed but honestly, you loved it.

Once you got home you called F/N and told them all about what happened, apparently they knew that
C/N liked you and was waiting for the day you two confessed.
As soon as you left C/N's house he called C/F and told them all about what happened and they were both talking about how great the moment was.

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