16: Baby stand?

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I woke up to a wild scream of a man.

I just hoped it wasn't from our group because it was loud as fuck.

I decided to get up and join the others. Today we were going to fly on a cessna.

"What do you mean we can't use this cessna?! I paid for it!" Joseph said.

"There is a sick baby, sir. It needs to get taken by a doctor out of town immediately." The owner of the helicopter said.

"Well... what about that one?" He pointed at another cessna near by. "That one is broken, sir".

"I'm in a life or death situation too here. I can't waste another second!" Mr. Joestar said worried.

"Hey, calm down there" I started "what about we take the baby with us? We'll take it to the next town and it will take the care it needs and we'll also be in our destination just in time." I smiled at Joseph.

"You're a genius, Y/n. But... does the mother approve?" We looked at the lady that held the baby.

"As a mother, I'll do anything so my baby gets the medical help he needs. You can take him with you but be careful." She said and handed me the baby.

We all got in the cessna. I sat with Kakyoin and Polnareff in the back, I was in the middle with the baby in its basket on my lap.


"Fwoo, I'm so glad I got rid of that baby." The woman said.

"Wait, are you saying that wasn't your baby? Whose was it?" The owner if the cessna asked.

"No, it wasn't mine, I don't know whose it was. It's just... it's cries made me dizzy and something told me that I had to get rid of it immediately..." The woman said.

It's been some time since we got in the cessna.

I sat with Kakyoin and Polnareff in the back, holding the baby.

"What's that smell? Y/n, did it shit?" Polnareff complained.

"I was just about to check." I said as I slowly undid the baby's diapers.

"That thing stinks! Quick, Y/n, change it!" He complained once more.

"If you don't stop complaining I'll shove them into your sorry face" I said and he finally closed his mouth.

I changed the diapers gently as to not accidentally hurt the baby.

"Brovo, Y/n! Who thought you could change a baby's diaper exactly like a mother would do?" Polnareff said.

"I've had some practice with my baby cousin, plus it's not that hard." I said and gently rested the baby back into his covers.

For some unknown reason Kakyoin started kicking his feet and sweating.



We all tried waking him up but to no use.

Kakyoin continued kicking until he kicked the cessna's wheel. Joseph lost control and we were going to crash. At that point I started to panic.


"Calm down Y/n I've done this 3 times already" Mr. Joestar laughed.

"How can you laugh when were about to crash? I CANT DIE LIKE THIS!" I said and started crying.

"Calm down Y/n, we survived all those stand attacks and you think we're going to die like this?" Polnareff said trying to calm me the fuck down and to be honest, that helped a bit.

Mr. Joestar started taking controll again but we soon realized that we were crashing into some palm trees.


We were in a desert and luckily all for us survived.

I spotted Kakyoin sitting far away from us and approached him.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I sat besides him.

"Y/n, l-look" He said and showed me his wrist. It read 'Baby stand' carved on it "I don't know how that happened but i think its a sign that the theres something wrong with that baby" He said worried. "Please don't think I'm crazy.

"It's ok, Kakyoin. I believe you but, you didn't do that to yourself did you?" I asked him

"No, I swear" Kakyoin said.

"Are you sure you didn't..." I looked at him with a worried expression.

He just lowered his head and looked away as I got up to inform the others.


"Have you lost it kakyoin?" Joseph said.

"How can a baby have a stand? Did you carve this on yourself?" Polnareff asked.

"Shut up both of you!" I yelled.

"Stop shouting and let's sort this out like-" I was cut off by Kakyoin taking out his stand but before he could hurt the baby Polnareff knocked him out.

"You didnt have to do that!" I said and run off.

I sat at a near by rock and thought about the chances of the baby being a stand.

What if Kakyoin was righ? What if it was the one who caused Kakyoin to have a nightmare?

Some time has passed and I was still thinking about it.

Jotaro came and sat next to me.

"Don't think about it a lot. There aren't a lot of chances" He said.

"No there are many chances. If a monkey can be a stand then a baby can be one too, Jotaro" I said.

"Come on you need go rest" He said getting up and giving me a hand.

"Thanks" I murmured.

We all went to sleep in our sleeping bags.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of birds singing. Oh, how I loved that sound.

I said 'Good Morning' to everyone and got ready.

I checked on the baby and it seemed to be sleeping well.

"Hey Kakyoin!" I said.

"Hey Y/n, can you come here?" He said.

I went and he told me what happened up to the smallest details last night.

I gasped.

"So you were right, the baby has a stand?" I asked. He nodded.

"Hey you guys, what are you doing there? We need to get going let's go." Joseph said.


I was so bored to write the fight so I just skipped it since nobody was going to remember it anyway.
Also sorry for not updating earlier❤

Updated: 12/5/2023

Word count: 1035

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now