30:D'arby the player

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"What the hell? Something's coming towards us!" Polnareff shouted as a human like entity game floating towards us. "I don't know what you are but I will end you!" Polnareff pulled Chariot.

"Polnareff calm down!" Mr. Joestar stopped him.

The guy in front of us pulled a card and threw it at Chariot, the blade slicing it in half. Jotaro caught one half of the card.

"Welcome, Master Joestar. We've been expecting you. My name is D'arby the younger. I'm D'arby's younger brother." He said and we all looked at him in shock.

"So you're here to avenge your brother?" Avdol asked. "No I would not do something like that. My brother and I are two different people. He is my brother and I am me. That's why I don't hold any grudge towards you." He explained "So, who shall be my first opponent?" D'arby then asked.

"Stay on guard everyone!" Avdol said. "We don't have any time to spare. Take us to DIO" Jotaro said and pointed at the man.

"Jotaro, there's no point. Just take this man down already!" Polnareff said and Jotaro pulled out his stand ready to punch him.

"I bet Star platinum is going to attack with his left fist first." D'arby said taking out his stand and Jotaro suddenly stopped. "It doesn't matter, Jotaro. One punch and he's done for." Polnareff said and Jotaro went for it.

The stand easily dodged the punch and we all stood there shocked. "What? He dodged?" I asked surprised.

D'arby's stand then took Star by his wrist, pulling him and Jotaro in a black and purple hole that it created. Joseph's, Kak's and my stand then tried to pull Jotaro out, but to no use, it pulled us in too.

"Mr. Joestar! Kakyoin! Y/n!" Polnareff shouted trying to reach for us but Avdol held him back. "Avdol!" Joseph shouted. "If you don't hear from us in the next 10 minutes, burn down the mansion!" He told him and then the hole closed completely.

The hole took us to what seemed to be a beach. We didn't know if it was an illusion, or where we were, underground or not. "So this stand pulled us in a hole which led us in the middle of nowhere, there's nothing here, we might as well swim for a bit, don't you think?" I joked. "This is no time for jokes, Y/n. We have to figure this out." Jotaro said. "You're so lame~..." I said and then a sound could be heard from behind us.

We looked and there was D'arby standing on a small island with computers, a door and some other stuff. "Care to wet your whistle?" He asked. "The drinks are real." He said and then Mr. Joestar started asking him a bunch of questions, while we started looking around. The answers D'arby gave was either a simple yes or no or can't tell.

There was even a door which led to nowhere and I thought it was pretty weird.

"You're not really helpful." Mr Joestar said. "I could lie, but I'm not like my brother." D'arby informed us. "So if we don't beat you, we won't be able to get out of here?" Mr. Joestar asked. "Exactly, my good sir!" He bowed. "This gentlemanly behaviour is starting to get on my nerves." Kakyoin said and I nodded.

"It's three against one, we won't hesitate." I said. "Now, hold on a second, let me show you something." He said and opened a cabinet. "This is my collection" he said and opened it further to reveal a bunch of dolls. "Like my brother, I'm a collector. I collect dolls." He said and a doll started screaming and begging for his attention, then the rest of them followed. He then introduced some of them.

"You are one sick bastard. You're sicker than your brother." I said. He then went on to explain how his stand works.

"That's it, I've heard enough. No more Mr. Nice guy." Joseph said and we all took out our stands.

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now