31: END

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I slowly opened my eyes to find complete darkness. Last thing I remember was defeating that D'Arby mf and the rest is a blank.

I slowly took in my surroundings. The only source of light were a few lit candles. The room seemed big, but the aura was so tense it made me feel like I was being crushed between two walls.

I was on what seemed to be a huge bed. I tried to get off, but as soon as my feet made contact with the ground, I felt the skin of a person. I looked down and I made eye contact with the corpse of a naked woman, two holes on her neck. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from screaming. After all, I was probably still in DIO's mansion.

The door creeked open and I slowly looked at its direction.

There stood a tall man. Blonde locks waving majestically in the air. Even from where he stood, I could see the star on his back. His tantalising hazel eyes bore deep into mine making me feel unease.

There was no doubt, this man is the man himself... "DIO..." I looked at him with disgust in my eyes. "Oh, sweet, sweet, Y/n."

He approached me slowly, each step he took, the more I could feel the tension building and it was suffocating.

He finally reached the bed and put his hand on my arm. I flinched, but couldn't move more than that. "D-don't touch me." I stuttered. "Don't you worry, my darling. It will be alright."

His hand moved up to my neck and squeezed it lightly, cutting my air for a moment. With a swift motion, he took my wrists and pinned me against the bed.

"G-get away from me! No!"


I woke up from my nightmare with a cold sweat. I could hear my child's cries in the nursery. I looked at my left and saw my husband stir up from his slumber.

"She's probably hungry again." I said and he nodded. We both tiredly made our way to the pastel nursery. Pastel pink, green, blue and purple adored every furniture and the wallpaper in there. My husband and I both put a lot of mind for this to come out perfect for our little girl.

I held her up to my chest and breastfed her until she was satisfied. "Did you have one of your stupid nightmares again?" Jotaro asked me while hugging me from behind. I frowned and nodded. "Those things don't exist, Y/n. Maybe you need to see a professional. Is my wife going crazy?" He joked with the most serious tone and I giggled. He picked me up and took me back to our bedroom, throwing me on the bed.

"Anyway. Are you sure we got everything packed for tomorrow?" I stuggled against his warmth, my cheek pressed against his chest. "Yeah. Kakyoin is coming here before we leave. And don't you worry, he'll take great care of Jolyne." He said. "He's the best. I prepared a few bottles of milk for Jolyne but I'll also ask him to try and feed her more of that baby food we got. She's almost 1 year old we can't have her drinking breast milk forever." I said and yawned.

"I'll make sure you have the greatest time of your life, Y/n." He said, referring to our 3rd year anniversary vacation. We would usually go overseas for an entire week, but this year we have an energetic one year old and couldn't be away for long. "Yeah, yeah. That's what you say every year but I can't complain since you never fail to amaze me." I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

This is all I could ask for. The perfect life. I have my husband, my friends and my family by my side. I couldn't ask for more.

I'm glad I'm not living the life of that girl from the "Fun" trip in my dreams.


This is it guys! Thank you so much for all the support and love. The comments and the votes. I really appreciate you all.

You can read my other fanfics too like my most recent one, "Bonds | Gojo x OC x Geto"

Byeee love youuuu <3333

A &quot;Fun&quot; Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now