The Plan

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The war had begun twenty years ago. Many deaths went unaccounted for. Most did not matter. Fledglings, thousands of them, turned by who knows what roam the streets in search of prey. Fangless lock themselves in their homes, including the fey. The fledglings were merciless, and didn't care about anything but blood. The taste on your tongue. Its quite the feeling... so hard to contain.. you might just kill someone you love... not considering them but only your thirst. The deep, deep, thirst. But this of course is the past. And it doesn't bother me at all.


After hearing the news I stared at him. A child was the perfect weapon. No one has done this in a while... They're all too scared. This includes myself. 

"Your expression is blank and you're blocking your thoughts." He says this questioningly with a tad of sadness.

"Its perfect. But I have to admit, I'm scared. With the authoriti-" Raven cuts me off and takes a step towards me. I flinch a bit on the inside but stay impassive on the outside.

"I don't give a crap about the authorities. I care about us. I want an empire. I want to be known. You are doing this!" He's nearly yelling by the end of the sentence, waving his arms about this way and that.

"Me?? Don't you mean us?" I reach out to touch him but he swats my hand aside.

"No." His frown deepens. " You." I've been dreading this moment for a while. "I will watch. I will wait. I will not help. I will not guide. This is my idea, and your reality." 

"But you just said I'll mess everything up!" I raise both hands in angst.

"I have a plan. I hope all these years of luxury hasn't ruined your precious little brain too much. You should be able to carry this out." I know he's angry with me. That has to be it. I remain silent, while he shifts around looking for something in his pile of papers.

"Let's see if you can figure this out, OK?" I nod. "You already know its a girl. What is her age?"

This is easy. "Ten." He's still shuffling.

"Why is that?" His question makes me doubt myself before I answer again.

"Old enough to be intelligent, young enough to be innocent." 

"Exactly. Where will she live?" What does he mean where does she live? Does he think I already have a girl in mind??? Noticing my pause he says,

"You're confused... I will simplify. Whom does she not have or live with?" How could I have been so simply minded?

"Parents!!" A grin breaks out across my face. 

"That's correct. Therefore where does she live?" He's found a crumpled piece of slightly yellowed paper with something written on it...

"An orphanage."

 He hands me the paper. "You know what to do?"

"Consider it done."


Sorry if this update was boring but it will get better. Promise.



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