Kinkuni - allergies

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Hello people welcome, I love this ship and this is gonna sound weird but I have this weird headcannon that Kunimi has some bad allergies in the summer and is pretty much allergic to every flower and Kindaichi helps him because they love each other. Also because they are cannon because I said so, so please do enjoy. Also art not mine because I cannot draw for the life of me.

Kunimi's pov

I hate spring, I hate flowers, I hate pollen, I hate grass, I hate those misty mornings where the air is so stuffy and makes the pollen fly around even more and for some weird reason I hate ants, no one made those tiny creatures for them not to have an evil purpose (dear Kunimi I agree) 

It was the first blooming of flowers in the spring season and I was absolutely miserable, why does this horrible time of year even have to exist. 

I woke up in the morning and my nose is clogged up and there is this itch there that I want to  urge to go away and I can feel a headache coming on. Why do I have to suffer? I don't wanna get out of bed, it's so soft and cozy, maybe I could just stay home today and suffer by myself in bed and not leave until this horrible season is over. But then again I have volleyball practice, meh I'm lazy enough already what will missing one practice do. And my parents aren't home so technically I could just skip and stay in bed, oh that would be a dream, speaking of dreams I slowly start to close my eyes.

I was probably asleep for about 3 minutes before my phone buzzed with someone calling me, I groggily rolled over grabbing my phone and hitting accept with my eyes closed. "Hello?" I felt so clogged up and my voice sounded very congested. "Hi Akira, I'll be there soon." My eyes opened at who it was. "Hmm? What do you mean." "I'm coming over early before school because it's the first bloom of spring and your probably miserable. I'll be there in a few minutes, love you." "Love you." My brain is so foggy that I forgot my own boyfriend was coming to collect me for school. Wait I'm not even dressed. Oh well it's too much effort to get up.

After a few minutes I heard a knock on the front door, I knew once I opened the door I would be met with the horrible pollen of spring and I would be sneezing all day and my nose wouldn't give me a break. My parents had already left so I knew the door would be unlocked so I would just had to wait until Kindaichi got the message and came in anyway. Whilst I was in my thoughts I heard footsteps coming to my bedroom and I knew he let himself in. "Akira I'm here, I'm coming in." He entered my room and I heard footsteps coming towards my bed, the mattress sank quite close to my head and I soon felt a hand running it's way through my hair. "Hmm, feels nice." I was leaning into the touch and he slowly chuckled.  "Ya'know Akira you're kinda like a little cat, your leaning into my touch and your heads following my hand, but it's so adorable." 

I was starting to close my eyes again and he retracted his hand away from my hair and I accidently let out a small whine. "Come on, we need to get you dressed and ready." He got off my bed and went to my closet rummaging around a bit before pulling out my  practice clothes. He walked over to the corner of my room grabbing my volleyball bag and heading to the exit of my room. "Ok come on let's get out of bed before we're late and will have a lecture from Iwaizumi for being late." I could feel my arms being lifted up and I was being hauled out of bed and onto Kindaichi's chest. "Here go to the bathroom and put these clothes on and we can start heading out. Are you hungry or is this going to be a 'I'm not going to eat because I'm too clogged up and not going to eat for the whole day' so later I'm going to have to make soup and force you to eat?" My brain took a few seconds to process al that was said to me. "I'm not going to eat so yeah your going to have to force me later and just for information don't expect much from me at practice." 

I finished in the bathroom and headed to the kitchen to get some water and meet Kindaichi at the door because I knew (and hoped) he had taken my bag down for me because he loved me like that. I arrived at my front door, bracing myself for the pollen hitting me. "Kin, where are you?" he emerged from the kitchen with a a glass of water and a pill in his hand. "You ran out of allergy medication, so unfortunately I'm going to have to give you pain killers, but I'll take some extra ones with me incase you get worse during the day and on the way back home we'll stop at the pharmacy and grab you some more ok?" I smiled as I swallowed the pill down because it felt nice knowing that he cared about me. "Oh and also here," he handed me a pack on tissues, "You take on and I'll have the other. That way if you run out I'll have some back up. Ok ready." He was holding his hand out and I gladly took it into mine bracing myself.

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