Tsukkiyama- anxiety

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Credit to the artist! Welcome back everyone how are you? This is gonna be the last one-shot before I start doing requests! So in this one Yams has a anxiety attack before a practice match and Tsukki helps him like the sometimes caring boyfriend he is. Also they are in there first year.

Yamagucci's pov

'pant' 'pant

God what's wrong with me? Why is it so hard to catch my breathe, and why is the room spinning? My palms are so sweaty and it's feels so hard to breathe in and every time I do it feels like 100 needles are stabbing into my chest. I mean I know why...I'm having an anxiety attack nothing new, I'm quite use to it by now. It normally happens around once every two months but it's never happened at practice..

Oh god why today.

We were at afternoon practice and we were all just doing our own things, I was practicing my float serves and my concentration was just not present. All the first years except me seemed to be improving with all of their techniques, Kageyama and Hinata were getting faster and faster with their quick attack, Yacchi had even improved on her management skills and was getting more confident. And finally Tsukki was just all and all perfect, I mean everything from his volleyball playing to his beauty to his grades was perfection and I just love everything about him.

Meanwhile me? Well I'm still a stupid, dumb first year who cant do a single float serve... I'm useless, worthless and bring nothing to the team like the rest of the first years do. Sometimes I wonder if the team would be better off without me , I'll always be nothing to them. For sometime now I had been wondering if I should quit the team. I never told Tsukki about it or anyone else...I just know they would be so much happier in games without me screwing them up with my serves or just my playing overall.

Oh god now is the part of the anxiety attack where I start to feel nauseous  I need to go to the bathroom quickly. I was in the corner of the gym by myself getting a drink of water but I need to bolt to the bathroom without anyone noticing. That's gonna be a bit hard with Suga around but I'll have to try.

I quickly and quietly went around the outer bit of the court doing my best to avoid everyone, if anyone saw me like this they would 100% make fun of me for being to weak.  I had both of my arms wrapped around my stomach and was slightly hunching over, unfortunately  I had nearly made it out the gym when I got stopped by Suga. "Where are you heading off to there~" He had his signature smile on, the one where if someone saw it it could light up a whole room well that was until he saw the expression on my face. "Oh goodness, Yamagucci what's wrong? You look terrible." 

Suga's pov

Practice wasn't that eventful the casual Tsukkishima being an absolute ass to everyone (well except Yams but that's his boyfriend and probably the only person who he likes) the freak duo was doing freaky stuff? And everyone else was pretty much just practicing by themselves.

It was half way into afternoon practice when I realized Yamagucci had been hiding in the corner for the majority of the time and I wasn't to make sure he wasn't trying to skip out because Tsukkishima might be rubbing off onto him. I saw him trying to get to the door so I thought I would check in with him to make sure he was ok. The closer I got to him the more I realized how much he was shaking, like vibrant shaking and oh god was I concerned.

Once I reached him I placed my hand on his shoulder which made him jump up in surprise. "Where are you heading off too there~" I flashed him my signature smile as to say 'is everything ok' but once I got close enough to him I started to see just how bad he looked. His skin was as pale as snow, he was shaking like he had just come out of a freezing bath and his eyes looked... Scared? Not of me specifically but like they were scared of everything that was going on around him. "Oh goodness, Yamaguchi what's wrong? You look terrible."
That came out wrong but it got my point across. "

We stood there for a few seconda with him just starting into my eyes and I could see his breathing getting faster by each passing second. I could feel a couple of eyes on us but I was mainly focused on my child infront of me who was a shaking mess. I could even see him eyes ready to spill out into tears so I placed a hand on his shoulder as of a way to soothe him.
Then I learned next to his ear and softly whispered "Do you wanna head outside for a second to call down? I'll send Tsukkishima out in a minute." I knew that even if I tried my hardest I probably wouldn't be able to calm him down the only person who would be able to do it is Tsukkishima. "Y-Yeah please." I heard him faintly whisper into my ear, then he quickly walked out.

Tsukkishima's POV

Something was wrong with Yams, and I just knew it. I mean I knew something was wrong with him since the beginning of practice because he was a lot more tense and shaky than he normally was. And he had this look in his eyes that would silently scream 'help' and I could almost see the tears starting to build up behind his eyes getting ready to spill like a waterfall at any second.

Though I was externally worried for him, I mean it does look like I don't care but if it my boyfriend, Oh I will kill someone for him and his cuteness.

I saw him go over to the side of the court a bit ago and could see the panicked expression on his face like he was worried that he would get attacked at any minute. He hasn't looked so scared around the team since he first met them. I was about to go over to comfort him pat his back maybe even plant some soft kisses into his hair and tell him that it's all ok because I love him but before I managed to even take a step Suga went over to him and they started talking. Well more like Suga was talking and Yams was nodding or shaking his head. Then Yams went outside and my browfurrowed.

I was a bit confused because do I follow him and make sure my boyfriend is ok but I risk everyone in the gym finding out I am a simple for Yams? Or do I stay in here hoping he will calm down outside by himself and keep my pride?

But before my brain could even give it another though Suga came up to me and I raised one of my eyebrows. "Go check on Yamagucchi... Now."
His voice was much stunner than normal and his eyes reflected a worried type of glow but he still had his signature smile on though it looked as though he was mentally stabbing me. I was confused by was worried about him anyway so now I got to leave the idiots and check on Yams.

I'm not sure the site I was expecting when I exited the gym doors but it wasn't what I saw. I thought yams would just be a little shaky and he would be fine in a couple of minutes. But no he was shaking more than when I last saw him in the gym, in a ball on the floor and his head ducked between his knees. One of his nails were bleeding indicating that he had bitten it off prior. And overall he looked.... Anxious. Oh no, Yams had had a couple of anxiety attacks before but they were always alone, at it was mostly late at night. So they would normally call or if they were extremely bad Tsukkishima would run over to Yams' house never at school or even at practise. I need to help him

I went to crouch infront of him and I placed one of hand hands on his knee gently stroking it. "Yams, breathe it's ok, I'm here." His head lifted and when he saw me a faint smile placed itself on his lips. And I felt a small one creep onto mine. "It's ok, your ok." I wanted to know what cause his anxiety to spike up so much but that question could be asked later now I need to make sure that that he's ok. He still had a couple of tear that are rolling down his cheek so using my thumb I wiped them away cupping his cheek in the process.

After wiping his tears I learned in and gently kissed him in the lips, it was soft and sweet but a bit salty with his tears mixed in.

A bit after he calmed down I removed my hand from his knee and stood up, expending my hand out for him to take. "Come on, let's take you home. And I'll make us some hot chocolate." he grabbed my hand and we walked into the gym together grabbing out stuff.

Hello people, I hoped you enjoyed I'm sorry for my disappearance but my mental health has been horrible :) anyway I'm back now and I hoped you enjoyed, like. Normal if you have any requests please put them down and I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't accurate, though I did try to do some research on anxiety attacks. Anyway have. Good day

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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