Kuroken-panic attack

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Hello everyone welcome back, again credit to the artist because I can't draw :) Anyway this isn't really a sickfic but more like a hurtfic I guess?  So basically Kenma starts panicking at practice because he realizes he doesn't want Kurro to leave to college, please enjoy.

Kenma pov

Why is this happening? I don't know why this is happening? How did this even start? I was just playing a game 3rd years against everyone else. What's wrong with me?

It was just a normal practice day: me refusing to do much, Kurro having to force me to do things, me being moody about them but doing them because I love him and- Love him? Nope never said that, those words never got thought. Hmm? What love? You mean like the one I share for my best friend that is leaving for collage in a few moths and is going to leave me behind to fend for myself and I'll have to go ages without seeing him and will probably forget about me within a few days of him being there... Ok maybe I do know how this happened...

Because of the 3rd years leaving for college soon the coach wanted to see how bad- um good our team was without them and were we could improve . Shibayama had to dive faster to block Kurro and Yamamoto had to work better at blocking Kai, I was giving 40% like normal but something felt a little off... I knew I wasn't the fittest person on the planet but I felt even shorter of breathe than usual like my chest was closing in around my lungs squeezing the remaining air inside them. 

Whilst I was jumping in the air to meet one of Kurro's spikes when our eyes met through the net and my panic began.

His eyes, his big stupid eyes met mine and mine widened as my heart began pounding in my chest. My brain suddenly started to get fuzzy and I could see bright black dot dancing in my vision making themselves very present . When I landed it felt like my legs couldn't hold me up and I wobbled a bit putting my arms out to try and keep my balance, "Kenma! Keep focus!" I heard someone yell but with the faint ringing in my ears I couldn't quite make out who it was, though I was sure it was someone on my side of the net. I blinked away the dots that were slowly concurring my vision and tried to regain my focus on the game. I briefly saw Kurro staring at me with concerned laced in his eyes but chose to ignore it as I was feeling weaker by the second.

After another 2 minutes we were nearly done with the second set of the match (they were doing it like a proper game so that they could get use to a full game without the second years. At least I'm pretty sure how it goes) I couldn't take it anymore: the running, the jumping, the stupid dots in my vision, the lump in my throat making it hard to breathe and the tears slowly but surely making themselves more visible. I hated every part of what was happening to me. 

I heard the whistle blow and my hands shot up to my ears covering them as the whistle blowing had made the pain intensify by at least 20%. It felt like my feet where glued to the ground unable to move no matter how much I urged myself to, then suddenly my head felt extremally dizzy and fuzzy. I could sense all the eyes on me, staring at me and my breathe quickened even more. 

Then it all went black...

Kurro's pov

I knew Kemna was acting off the second our eyes met through the court, I could practically hear his breathing getting louder and faster by the second, every single second I was near him. The more we went through with the match, the more I could tell he was struggling. When the whistle blew I felt relief that I could go and check up on him and make sure he was ok, I was very concerned about him. "Kenma?" I heard someone question, I turned as what felt like slow motion. One minute he was standing up straight, a bit shaky, but he was upright. Then Bam~

A thud echoed through the gym as he fell down, and the whole gym fell silent. The only thing you could hear was balls bouncing off of the walls.  I was a bit taken a back and it took me a few minutes to register what had happened, I couldn't move my feet but I couldn't bring myself to draw my eyes away from him, all I knew was I needed to get to him to make sure he was ok.

"KENMA?!" I heard Yaku yell, I could hear the plee in his voice practically begging for Kenma to just get up and walk over to us but he never did. The the gears started running in my head and I sprinted as fast as I could to him, kneeling next to him. "Kenma?" Now I was next to him I got to have a proper look at his face, it was super pale and even though he was passed out, his breathing was still very unsteady and I could see the tears steaming down his face. Even though he was unconscious he looked genuinely relaxed except for the dark bags under his eyes, which I guessed was the result of him not sleeping.  I gently picked up his hand, afraid if I squeezed it too tight I might break him, his hands were very cold and shaky and I had already pieced together most of what happened.

"I-is he ok?" I heard Shibayama ask from behind me. I had guessed they all crowded around me, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Yaku kneeling down near Kenma's legs. I gently placed his head onto my lap and started stroking my hand through his hair whilst my other hand was still clutching his. "Kurro," I heard Yaku start, "You seem oddly calm about this. Do you know what's going on?" I took my eyes away from his beautiful features and looked Yaku in the eyes. "Well, I'm not 100% sure what happened but I have a feeling that he either overworked himself again, or he had a panic attack and was too stupid to say something." I heard small gasps from around me. 

After a couple of minutes I felt a small hand grasp my bigger one, squeezing it firmly and not feeling like it was letting go anytime soon. I looked away from Yaku making a hum of acknowledgement, as my eyes found Kenma's beautiful face. When I found his eyes they were partly cracked open at me, staring  back at me. I had to be a bit loud because everyone was talking over me before Yaku hushed them all. "Hello there sleepyhead. How are you? How was your nap?" Everyone instantly shut up waiting for his answer, however being next to him I could hear how quick his breathing was. "Uhm, Uh." "Kenma?" Everyone around us started talking loudly again with questions like 'how are you?' 'what the heck happened' and  'are you feeling better?' His breathing picked up so I scooped his into my arms bridal style and started walking out of the gym with him in my arms. "where the 'pant' hell are you 'pant' taking me?" he asked in a quiet and meek voice his hand clutching my shirt.

Once we got outside I sat on a bench and gently placed him on my lap. Luckily he didn't find it weird because we had been doing this since we were young kids. "You ok kitten?" He looked away gripping my hand firmly, "Kitten.. did you have a panic attack?" His head whipped around to me our faces inches apart, with tears and fear laced in his ears. "Uhm- yeah I think I did, um sorry." His breathing started to pick up more again and I gently hushed him rocking him with him still in my lap. "it's ok kitten don't worry about it. Do you mind telling me what triggered it?" Kenma slowly started to let his grip let go of my hand, sadness started to take over all of his face.

After a few seconds he finally started to speak his voice a bit shaky. "Uhm with, um with this practice match and you on the other s-side of the net-t it, it start-ted to feel real and I r-realized how- how in a couple of months you-you'll be gone." Tears where spilling from his eyes and he was crying into my shirt, I gently started stroking my hand through his hair again, a gesture I knew calmed his down. "Shh, kitten it's ok  you don't have to continue if you don't want too." he started to calm down and a small smile forming on my lips. "N-no its ok I'll, I'll continue, I started to realize that-that you'll be gone, and you'll l-leave me to f-fend, to fend for myself and Kurro, Kurro I don't want t-that. I-I want you to stay here, stay here forever wi-ith me. P-please stay with me K-kurro, P-please d-d-don't leave me." Holy, he didn't want me to leave? That's what triggered this whole panic attack.  "Kitten don't worry I'll always be with you. Even when I go to college, I'll come visit you as often as I can. Then when you leave high school and come to college we'll be together, yeah?" I was now smiling at him, looking at how beautiful he was again. "Y-you promise." I kissed him on the head, "I promise, kitten." 

Ok so I'm done with another chapter, woop woop go me! Anyway hope you enjoyed this, I have one more chapter I have in mind then I shall start with requests, so have a great day, night or afternoon. Goodbye people!

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