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"alright. begin

and make it quick this time"

"yeah, whatever"


it was a normal friday for the students of ua

well it was close to being a normal day,
whatever a normal day was for the students of one of the greatest hero schools in the country

especially for class 3a, the most problematic class, in the best school, for heroes, in the country. yeah.

earlier during the week, Nezu, the principal of the school, announced that there would be 4 new transfer students attending ua.

which was unusual, it was the middle of March, yet kids were already switching schools? yeah right.

this had to be some kind of test, a quiz or something. i mean, entering school, while the 1st quarter was already coming to an end, was just unheard-of

so it obviously had to be a test.



during register period, on this very normal Friday, in the middle of March, Mr Aizawa walked through the door of the classroom.

the students were all chatting it up together so Iida Tenya, the class president, had to repeatedly shout and wave his hands around to get the class quiet.

it was funny the first few times but now it started to get a little annoying, like c'mon bruv, calm yourself.

with a sigh and eye roll, Mr Aizawa stood up straighter, reminding himself that he had to look at least presentable in front of the new student

he cleared his throat and looked at all his students.

normally having a new student or 2 was common but something about this new meeting was intriguing for him, but it also made him a little nervous, and he wasn't sure why.

"listen up delinquents, today I have an important announcement for you all. please listen carefully, i'm not repeating myself." he said in a less tired voice than usual.

the class started to wonder if something was really going on, i mean, first the school announces that new students will be arriving, then Mr Aizawa dresses more appropriately and sounds less tired?

oh hell nah.

not today Satan.

not today.

before the class got ready to attack Mr Aizawa with a bombarding of questions, he raised his hands in a show of surrender.

"calm it, you little relaxation repulsers, i'm only awake right now because I have some more news to tell you. so melt back into your damn seats or i'll tie you down my self."

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