Ayumu fujimori is a young woman who is very unlucky. so unlucky, that she was put in a school with 18 people. it starts out good at first, but suddenly it starts going out of hand when the headmasters, merry and wolfie decided to put them all in a k...
So the school there in is merrywolf academy, not hope's peak, sorry for the confusion, and second long prologue pls help- also this was a repost since WATTPAD WANT TO MALFUNCTION ON ME.
Seishi was standing outside of the classroom.
Ayumu- S-Seishi!
Seishi- Oh, ms fujimori. There you are. Where were you?
Ayumu- in the dining hall. So your gonna investigate the classroom?
Seishi- Yeah.
As Seishi entered inside....
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A guy with blue hair was sleeping in the classroom.
Ayumu- Oh...so chie wasnt lying huh.
Seishi- He might be just like marin. Likes sleeping.
???- Hello.....
Ayumu- Oh your up. Im-
???- Ayumu fujimori, and seishi yodogawa. Got it.
Seishi- H-Hey! We was suppose to tell you our name....
Ayumu- how did you even know?
???- Well.....someone told me about you. There was some guy with a mask.