Chapter 4

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The Vampire Diaries
Season 2: Episode 10
The Sacrifice

While the screen was still black Artemis was receiving many uncomfortable glances. After seeing the words "Beware the Butcher" written in Katherine's dead family's blood, and then seeing Artemis herself reiterating the same phrase, the most prominent feeling in the room was fear. However, that was also coupled with confusion.

It was explicitly shown that Katherine's family died in 1492. From what they knew Artemis was only 18. So, how in Merlin's name could she possibly be related to that event?

In the group of Originals, only a dozen or so feet away from the Marauders and Artemis, Kol kept muttering the exact phrase everyone was so scared of over and over again. Getting annoyed, Rebekah turned to her brother and yelled, "Why do you keep saying that, Kol?! It's bloody annoying!" Kol didn't bother replying to his sister as he turned around in his seat to face Artemis. With a face blank of emotions he asked, "How old are you?" Artemis gently tapped the boys that were laying on her so she could sit up. Now resting her elbows on her knees, she said, "18." Kol's eyes narrowed at the witch's reply.

Kol slowly got up and maneuvered over the back of the couch he was sitting on to get closer to the source of his confusion. Artemis knew what he was doing, so she stood and met him in the middle. Both of them had their arms crossed as they stared at one another. After several seconds of silence Kol whispered, "The Butcher is known all throughout the supernatural world. They are ruthless against their enemies. Truly sadistic in nature. And a completely cold-blood killer." Artemis has no visible emotions on her face as she replied, "They seem like someone that should be avoided then." Kol huffed a humorless laugh and almost sneered as he said, "How the bloody hell did you know the Butcher's catchphrase?"

Artemis smirked and stepped forward so that she and Kol were basically chest-to-chest. In a whisper only he could hear she said, "Well, I have known Niklaus for a while. When you know him, you know his enemies. But better yet... you know his allies." She backed off with her smirk still intact as she walked backwards to her seat.

Kol stood still for only two seconds before his eyes widened in what he believed to be realization. He quickly looked between Artemis and Klaus with widened eyes. Settling on Artemis for a quick glance, he saw her raise a finger in a shushing motion. Confused, but willing to stay quiet for once, Kol gave a curt nod before returning to his seat.

While everyone around the hall was confused at their interaction, they had nothing to say. So, with the silence blanketing the room the screen turned back on.

The first thing anyone hears is Elena asking, "You don't believe her, do you?" The angle switches to show Stefan and Damon in her kitchen as Damon answers. "No, of course not. We just want the moonstone." Stefan then piped up saying, "According to Rose's friend Slater there's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break." Damon tossed an orange between his hands and said, "No spell, no doppelgänger sacrifice. Ergo, you live." Elena pushed off the wall she was leaning against as she asked, "How do you destroy it?" Stefan leans his elbows on the island and says, "By releasing it from the moonstone."

Klaus and Artemis share a deadpan expression. They quickly have to try and hold back laughter though because of the complete idiocy of what they just heard.

"How do you guys even know this is gonna work?" Damon steps forward as he says, "Because we have a crafty witch on our side." Seemingly upset Elena looks down saying, "You discussed it with Bonnie." Stefan shrugged as he responded. "She agreed to do anything she could to help us." "It's Katherine who has the moonstone. She's not gonna give it to you." "We're gonna get it from her." Damon leaned over the island to set the orange in his hand down as he said, "Well, what he means to say... is that we will pry it from her cold, dead hand if we have to." Bringing Elena's attention back to him Stefan says, "Bonnie just needs to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone, and get out in time for her to return it." "Wow. I mean it sounds like you guys already have it all planned out." Damon splays his hands out and says, "Yep. We're awesome."

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