Chapter 8: Green Spider, Team Getter Arc and Rainbow Ranger vs Homelander

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(Meanwhile in a warehouse located in Dover, Delaware, Homelander decorates everything to bring the Alien Dino Thunder Megaforce and Justice League for execution.)

Homelander: (smiles) Phew, finally finished

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Homelander: (smiles) Phew, finally finished. Now I just have to wait for Winter's Union Team and Night Raid to bring them here, and I'll execute them for good.

????: Are you sure about that?

(Homelander turns around to see a red haired boy walking towards him.)

Axel: (smirks) First you kill innocent people, and know you kill true heroes? You're really a fake hero, and the stupidest among them

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Axel: (smirks) First you kill innocent people, and know you kill true heroes? You're really a fake hero, and the stupidest among them.

Homelander: (glare) Who do you think you are? I'm Homelander!

Axel: I am Axel Sentry, and I'm here to kick your ass with this!

(Axel shows a Green Lantern Ring, and chants his oath.)

Axel: In the brightest day, in the darkest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evils might... beware my power. GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!

(Axel becomes Green Spider.)

Green Spider: Fully charged

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Green Spider: Fully charged.

(Green Spider charges at Homelander and uses a shield construct to block his laser eyes before hitting him with a hammer construct, sending him to crash into the wall. Homelander growls and flies towards him before grabbing him and throwing him outside the warehouse, where he crashes into a car. Green Spider gets back up and charges at him with a drill construct. Homelander pulls out a "Stop" sign and they clash, but Green Spider overpowers him and slashes him twice with two sword constructs and kicks him back with a boot construct.)

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