Chapter 1

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*Beep Beep* ugh I think to myself as I turn off my alarm. I get up and go to my bathroom to take a shower. After I take a shower I get dressed(outfit below).

I go back into my room and walk over to my vanity and put in my earrings(below)

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I go back into my room and walk over to my vanity and put in my earrings(below).

I pack my backpack putting in extra food, water, ammo, and my sleeping bag because you never know when you're gonna need it

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I pack my backpack putting in extra food, water, ammo, and my sleeping bag because you never know when you're gonna need it. I grab my knife and strap it to my thigh, and put my razor next to my pistol on my belt. I also put all my weapons and lock pick set in my bag and leave for school.

   I was walking down the sidewalk, getting ready to cross the street when two motorcycles passed by at full speed causing me to fall backwards onto the sidewalk. I sit there with an emotionless expression as two boys walk up to me asking if I was alright. " I'm okay" I say as the older looking one helps me up. "My name is Daiya and this is my brother Mondo we were just on our way to Hope's Peak" Oh I thought "I'm on my way there as well" "We can give you a ride" Mondo says " I would like that". I get on the motorcycle behind Mondo and wrap my arms around his waist as they drive off towards Hope's Peak. Once we arrive, Mondo and Daiya park their bikes, getting off I grab my bag, and thank them. We all walk to the entrance hall.

   When we enter the entrance hall, we see a fairly large group of students. We go and join the group when a girl in a gothic lolita-style outfit walks up to me. "Hello my name is Celestia Ludenburg, I am the Ultimate Gambler, and you are?"She asks. "My name is Silvia Kuzuryu, the Ultimate Army Soldier",I reply shaking her hand. "I look forward to becoming friends", she says before walking over to someone else. 'I guess I should introduce myself to others aswell', I think to myself. I walk over to a boy with a black leather jacket, and a black hat with a blue design on the front. "Hello", he said. "I'm Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Pro" " I'm Silvia Kuzuryu, the Ultimate Army Soldier", I reply. " Nice meeting you", Ryoma said walking away. A girl with blond hair and a green bow comes up to me saying, "Hello, my name is Sonia Nevermind, I am the Ultimate Princess". "My name is Sylvia Kuzuryu, I am the Ultimate Army Soldier", I respond smiling. When Sonia walks away, a boy with black hair and red eyes comes up to me and says, "Hello, my name is Kiyotaka Ishimaru and I am the Ultimate Moral Compass".

   After all of the introductions, we were all assigned our dorm rooms and were told to go home to get our things. I start to walk to my house as it starts to rain, when a black car slows down next to me and rolls down the window to reveal Sonia and Gundham. Sonia opens the car door and lets me inside. "Thanks" " No problem". "Do you by any chance need any help with your things?" "Yes I could some help actually" "Okay Gundham and I will help you". 

   When we arrive at my house and are inside, Gundham Sonia and I go to my bedroom. I take some boxes out of my closet and label them with the names "Clothes", and "Pictures/Decorations". I grab some duffle bags out of the hallway closet to put my weapons in. While Sonia places my cloths in one box, Gundham packs the other box, and I run around the house, packing all my weapons in the duffle bags. Once we finish, we take everything and head back to Hope's Peak With me following there car on my motorcycle. Once we get to Hope's Peak I park my bike in the shed next to Daiya and Mondo's bikes.

   I walk to my dorm with my boxes and my duffle bags . I open my door, setting my things down and taking a look around. I see a king sized bed, and the walls were black with one wall that is split between olive green, and emerald green. I hear a knock at my door, and I open it to see Mondo, Daiya, Celestia, Ryoma, Asahina, and Sakura. "Hey guys" I say letting them inside. " We came to see if you need help with anything," Mondo says. "If you can that would be a huge help". We start to unpack everything and put it into its proper place. I open my backpack and take out my med-kit, uniform, and my badges. " So Silvia," Daiya starts  "Yea" " Tell us your story". "Okay I guess".... 



Alright guys thats the first chapter of the story I hope you enjoyed.

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