Chapter 2:

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I'm really thankful that Jessica is staying with me. I cannot stay a day with those idiotic guys. There just. I don't even know but Jessica is too obsessed. All I might do is listen to music in my room, full blast each night. Yeah I'll do that but Jessica will kill me. Oh well. Heehee.

About a good 20 minutes passed, Jessica was banging on the door. "What! I thought you have a key" I yell through the door. "Lola Lizz Brooks open the dang door" she shouts. I laugh opening the door to reveal Jessica with lots if bags. "What'd you do? Go to the mall and bought everything?" I tease "haha very funny. But I'm staying with you for the summer" she rolls her eyes.

"Well. If that's how you feel" I gasp. Jessica chuckles and walks inside the house to where Nash and Matt were sitting on the couch. Jessica drops her bags and runs up to them, trying to play casual sitting in the middle. Meanwhile, her stupid suitcase smashed my toe. I let out a shriek and Cameron came rushing towards me. "Need help?" He asks " no! I got this. I'm a man" I snap stubbornly.

He chuckles before taking a suitcase. I start to chase him everywhere to get the suitcase back. "CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS GIVE ME THE DANG SUITCASE!" I scream down the halls "NEVER!" He screams back laughing.


Lola was playing a game with Cameron I believe. Wait. Lola Lizz Brooks is actually hanging with Cameron and isn't dying from annoyance? Woooo Lola you go girl! Matt nudged my shoulder "hm?" I respond trying to hold in my inner fangirl "wanna play a game?" He asks " sure" I respond.

"CAMERON GIVE IT!" Lola screams. I giggle and focus back to Matt. "It's a question game" he starts "we ask as many questions as possible. But I ask the questions" he explains. I nod slowly. I have to answer questions? Easy. "Favorite color?""pink" "EWWW PURPLES THE RULE!" Lola screams still chasing Cam. I roll my eyes "movie?" "The fault in our stars" "favorite family member?" "Lola" "who's older?" "Me. I'm 17, she's 17 too but 3 months younger." "Best friends?" "Yeah" "can I stop?" "Yeah" "wait favorite Magcon member?" "LOLA!" I scream.

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