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AU- Highschool AU

Tubbo's POV:

He was already tired, he didn't need Ranboo teasing him.

"Tubbo, go to sleep if you're tired," Ranboo said, handing him a cup of hot chocolate. Ranboo sat next to Tubbo and opened his laptop. "I can't sleep when you have your laptop's screen so bright," Tubbo said, burying his face in his hands.

"I'll reduce it, go to sleep." "But why do you need it..." Tubbo said. Ranboo grinned and slowly closed the laptop. "Homework, Tubbo," Ranboo said. "Just because you have a program for your homework doesn't mean I do." Tubbo smiled, "I'll make one for you."

"That's a nice offer," Ranboo said, hesitating. "But let's think about sleeping first." Tubbo couldn't argue. He already felt tired enough to collapse on the sofa so he decided to simply listen to him.

Eww, listening to people is cringe. Tubbo thought.

Tubbo woke up one hour later to the sound of broken glass. "Ranboo...?" He called out, still sleepy. "Don't worry about it Tubbo!" Ranboo said, his voice slightly hoarse. 

"Now I'm worried," Tubbo said. He stood up and grabbed a knife hidden underneath the sofa. He walked over to where Ranboo's voice was coming from. Before he entered the room, he looked through the keyhole to see what was going on. It was too dark to see anything but he could hear Ranboo mumbling.

"Ranboo? Are you okay?" Tubbo asked. "It's nothing. Go back to bed!" "Fvck it, I'm going in," Tubbo whispered to himself as he opened the door. He saw Ranboo cradling his bleeding hand while trying to clean up shards from a broken cup. "Ranboo, what the fvck?" Tubbo asked.

"Sorry Tubbo, it was too dark to see and I wanted a bit of water but I dropped the glass! I'll buy you another, sorry!" Ranboo said, speaking very fast. 

Tubbo stared at Ranboo in disbelief. "I'm more con- canster... concter- construct... Help." 

Ranboo grinned at Tubbo's dyslexia. "Do you mean concerned?" He asked. "Yes, Ranboo. I am more concerned about your FVCKING HAND! IT'S BLEEDING YOU DUMB SH!T-" Tubbo started yelling. "Tubbo, your concern is very nice, but it's fine." 

"You are the biggest idiot to ever exist." Tubbo said. Ranboo grinned again and extended his hand. Tubbo started scolding Ranboo for thinking Tubbo would care more about a shattered water cup. Tubbo secretly adored his little laugh, he smiled as he bandaged the tall b!tch's hand. 

"Thank you, Tubbo," Ranboo said. "Also, I can see the bags under your eyes. It's obvious that you didn't sleep enough." Tubbo smiled, sleepily. "You got me there, bossman." Ranboo stared in astonishment. How could this idiot be so... dense? "I'm asking you to sleep, Tubbo. We have school tomorrow." 

The two went to bed, though Tubbo needed a bit more convincing. 

In the end, they both found the moment kind of sweet. Ranboo finally found out how much of an insomniac Tubbo is, and Tubbo found out how thick-skinned Ranboo is. Yay!

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