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AU- Lab Escape AU

Tubbo POV:

"Ranboo, what do we do?" Tubbo asked.

"I'm sorry, Tubbo. I don't know," Ranboo responded. Tubbo paced the room.

All 5 beds were empty, and only two were in usable condition. Some nightstands had blood-speckled nightlights. 

"Not a single window in sight," Tubbo murmured.

"We could try the door?" Ranboo suggested. Tubbo thought his friend finally lost his mind.

"What door?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo pointed up towards a little platform. "I can't see it!" Tubbo said. "Here, get on my shoulders," Ranboo said, crouching down. Tubbo hopped on and Ranboo slowly stood up.

A little door was just visible. There was only one problem...

"How do we get to it?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo mumbled something to himself. "I can teleport, but I want you to go first," Ranboo said. "Why?"

"You can probably climb on from my shoulders. I'll help you get to the top of the platform, then I'll teleport next to you."

It seemed like a good plan to Tubbo, so he agreed. Tubbo rubbed his palms together and jumped onto the platform. "HELL YEAH!" Tubbo yelled.

Ranboo closed his eyes in concentration and teleported to Tubbo's left.

"Hi!" Ranboo said

"Let's go through this door, bossman!" Tubbo said, leading the way.

He was feeling confident for the first time in a year. Ranboo tried to open the door. "It won't budge." He said, visibly annoyed. "Lemme try," Tubbo said, shoving Ran out of the way.

He tried and it wouldn't work. "Told you," Ranboo said. "Let's find another way-"

Tubbo kicked a hole in the door, and a few splinters of wood flew out.

"Wha- umm, I-" Ranboo stuttered. "Come on, weakling!" Tubbo yelled as he walked through the shattered door.

Tubbo stood up and shut his eyes. It was too bright to see anything at all. "We- RANBOO WE MADE IT!!!" Tubbo yelled. "I don't think so, something feels wrong..." Ranboo said.

Out of nowhere, a growl started behind them. They both spun around and stood face-to-face with a giant monster.

Its mouth was unhinged and had some sort of yellow liquid dripping from it. It's eyes bulged out, all twenty-hundred-something of them. It was on all fours and stood on twig-like legs. It made a horrible screeching sound.

Ranboo and Tubbo sprinted at full speed. Tubbo's legs were too short to keep up with the stupidly tall ender-boy. The monster grabbed Tubbo's hand in its mouth. "TUBBO!" Ranboo yelled.

Ranboo kicked the monster in one of its eyes and it let go of Tubbo. Out of the corner of his eye, Tubbo saw a large door. "RANBOO, THERE'S A DOOR THERE!" Tubbo yelled, pointing in the direction.

Ranboo and Tubbo picked up the pace and ran to the door. Ranboo opened it and slammed it right on the monster's ugly-ass face. They continued running away from the lab gates. "Where are we going?" Ranboo asked. "Anywhere far away from that place!" Tubbo said as he finally slowed down.

Ranboo stopped at a rock and took a look at Tubbo's hand.

"Tubbo, are you god?" Ranboo asked. 

"Not as far as I'm aware," Tubbo said. "Why?"

"You don't have a single bite mark on your hand," Ran said. "Wow," Tubbo flexed his fingers a bit and moved his hand around. "Weird, guess I am god!"

Ranboo and Tubbo took a few deep breaths. They were free. Finally free.

"I think it's because the monster didn't properly bite you," Ranboo said.

"That's nice of it," Tubbo said. 

"Wait- Ranboo did you teleport us somewhere?" Tubbo asked, looking around. "Yeah, I used to have a friend here. His name's Tommy." Ranboo said. "It's called L'manburg, it's safe."

"I know Tommy!" Tubbo said. "Wait, how did you remember him?"

"Honestly? His older brother, Techno, taught me about Greek monsters. I was reminded of that when we saw that ugly monster." Ranboo said.

"Don't bully the monster!" Tubbo said.

"The monster deserved it," Ranboo laughed.

"Ok," Tubbo said. "Now, let's go find them, shall we? It's been a while since I've last seen Tommy. And Phil, and Techno, and Wilbu-"

"I get it I get it!" Ranboo laughed.

"LET'S GOOOO!!!" Tubbo yelled.

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