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George hugged Clay tightly, a tear ran down his face.

"I don't want you to go." Clay said through sobs.

"I don't want to go either." George responded through tears.

"George, it's time to go." George's father softly said, placing a hand onto his shoulder.

"No!" George shouts, hugging Clay tighter.

"George, you heard your father. We have to leave now, or we'll miss our flight." George's mother explains. Still sweetly but with more sharpness in her voice.

"But I don't want Gogs to leave!" Clay shouts, resting his head in between the taller boys shoulder and neck.

"He's has to go sweetie, I'm sorry." Clays mom lovingly says.

"You can't make me let go of him!" Clay shouts through sobs.

"Clay please." His mom pleads.

It takes a few minutes of trying to negotiate with the small boys, and eventually Clays mom and George's dad have to pull them apart from each other.

The two boys start screaming, not wanting to leave each other. Clays mom holds him back as George's parents start leading him out the door

"George!" Clay shouts, reaching his hand out to George.

George turns around and reaches his hand back to his best friend.

"Clay!" He shouts back. There fingers brush against each other before George's parents force George out the door, closing it behind them.


The 45 minute drive to the airport is agonizing for George's parents, with constant cries for Clay from George in the backseat. He hasn't stopped screaming for him since they left.

"He can't be screaming about this in the airport hun, and I especially don't want him like this on the plane." George's mom says to his father.

"I know, you think I also want him like this?" George's dad asks, "but do you think I know what to do?"

There's silence between the two parents as George continues screaming the backseat.

Suddenly, George's mom gets an idea, and she quickly pulls out her phone, dialing in a number. She holds the phone up to her ear before speaking.

"Hey." She says into the phone. She doesn't say anything for a few seconds before saying something again.

"Yes, it's been a very loud car ride to say the least." She says, "I can say the same for you. Is he still crying?"


"Yeah, hey, real quick, can you put Clay on the phone?"

George's cries immediately stop at hearing Clays name. His father glances at his mother for a second before focusing back on the road.

"I don't know, I just want him to stop crying. Maybe talking to him one more time will make him stop."


"You're right. Well, maybe, you can tell him-" George's mother starts before whispering into the phone so George can't hear her.


"Yes, I know, but they don't. If they think they'll see each other again soon they'll stop."


"Okay, thank you, I'm handing the phone to George now."

George's mom turns around with a sweet smile.

"Sweetie, Clay is on the phone, do you want to talk to him?" She asks.

"Yes!" George shouts happily, reaching for the phone.

"Be careful with the phone now." George's mom says, handing him the phone.

"Hello?" George says hesitantly into the phone.

"Gogs!" George can hear Clays voice on the other line.

"Clay!" George shouts happily back.

"Hey guess what, my mom said that we can come visit you soon!" Clay happily shouts.

"Really!?" George squeals into the phone.

"Yeah!" Clay shouts. The two boys happily squeal in delight.

"Come visit me as soon as you can!" George says.

"I will!" Clay shouts back.

The two boys continue to talk over the phone for a few more minutes.

"George honey, I need my phone back now." George's mom says.

"I have to give the phone back to my mom now." George says into the phone sadly.

"Okay, but I'll see you soon when I visit!" Clay says.

"Okay, I'll see you soon! Bye Clay!"

"Bye Gogs!"

George hands the phone back to his mom as he can hear the phone click and the conversation end.

"Are you happy you got to talk to Clay again?" George's mom asks, taking back the phone.

"Yes!" George says happily, kicking his feet, "He said he can come visit me soon!"

"Well that's so nice of him!" George's mom says before turning around.

George looks out the window as planes are taking off into the sky and the airport comes into view, excited for his friends visit.

I hope you guys liked this little bit of backstory! It's just something sweet between the two boys and some background that the story is built on! I hope y'all liked it and are looking forward for the actual chapters to start!

753 Words

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