Chapter Two: Vanished in the Snow

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Mia and Olivia leaned in, their eyes wide as they questioned Daniel about Harper. "What do you mean she's gone?" Olivia asked. "Did she run away?" Mia pressed. "Was she taken?"

Daniel's eyes were pained as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, and dark circles shadowed his eyes. Olivia's heart twisted. Whatever had happened to Harper had certainly taken its toll on him. "There was an avalanche yesterday," he said, slowly and deliberately, as if each word was an effort, "and it looks like Harper might have been skiing in the area when it happened."

Olivia's memory flickered with recollection, and a chill rushed over her skin. She'd heard something about an avalanche on the news, but it hadn't occurred to her it could have been here, at this very resort. The thought Harper might be buried under the snow, alone and scared, made her feel sick to her stomach.

Mia gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. "Oh my God, that's terrible!" Her voice trembled, and tears glistened in her eyes.

Olivia wrapped an arm around her friend, hugging her close. She felt terrible for Mia. She always spoke so fondly of Harper, even joking sometimes the real reason she was dating Daniel was because she liked having Harper as a sister. "Is there anything we can do to help?" Olivia asked, hoping there was something, anything, they could do.

Daniel shook his head, eyes downcast. "I don't know. We're doing everything we can to find her, but it's like she vanished into thin air. It's been almost twenty-four hours, and there's still no sign of her." He glanced at his watch, a worried frown creasing his forehead. "I'm sorry, but I have to get back. The search party I'm assigned to is heading out again soon, and I need to be there."

"Of course, we understand," Mia said, putting a comforting hand on Daniel's arm. "You need to do whatever you can to find Harper."


Bags in hand, the three of them trudged down a narrow path hemmed in by dense foliage. The sound of a nearby waterfall filled the air, its soothing rush clashing with the sense of unease pervading the group. The air was bitingly cold, nipping at their noses and fingertips, and the ground beneath their feet was littered with dry leaves and twigs that snapped and crunched with each step.

Mia's voice was barely above a whisper. "Do you think she's trapped somewhere, beneath the snow?"

Daniel hesitated, his features grim, as if contemplating how best to deliver upsetting news. "The search party found some of Harper's personal belongings, so it looks like she wasn't buried," he said slowly. "But there was... blood."

A knot formed in Olivia's stomach, and she struggled to push down the rising sense of dread. She searched for something to say, some words of hope or comfort, but her mind was blank.

"She's a strong skier," Daniel went on, "but even so, it was cold last night."

Mia clung to a shred of hope, searching for a silver lining. "Maybe she reached one of the cabins. You said there are cabins out there."

Daniel's face fell. "We've checked all the residences in the area, and no one's seen her."

The trio arrived at the main building of the resort, a grand structure with a towering roof and intricate decorative details. As they approached, the sound of the waterfall faded, replaced by the low murmur of voices. A man was waiting outside, and when he saw Daniel, he stepped forward and nodded. "Hey, bro. Jake's looking for you. Robert's team just got back."

Olivia took in the guy's rugged appearance. His dark hair was tousled like it hadn't seen a comb in days. His sharp, angular features were accentuated by the scruff on his jawline. As he spoke, Olivia couldn't help but notice the intensity of his hazel eyes. Despite the worry hanging over them, she felt a flutter of attraction in her chest. Maybe he was one of those strapping outdoors-men who spend their days trekking through the wilderness.

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