Chapter One: Diamond Peak Resort

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Olivia clutched the sides of her seat, her palms slick with sweat. The roar of the rotors thundered in her ears, and the wind buffeted the fuselage, tossing the helicopter this way and that. Her eyes flitted from one side of the cabin to the other, searching for reassurance, but all she could think about was the endless expanse of sky and mountains stretching below. She was trapped, paralyzed, her mind consumed.

I'm going to die.

Panic clawed inside her. She'd never been good with heights, but this was different. This was a nightmare. Squeezing her eyes shut, she focused on her breath, willing it to slow, but it was no use. She was suffocating, her breath coming in short, shallow gasps.

"Liv, it's okay, just breathe." Mia's voice cut through the chaos, but it was little comfort. Tears welled in Olivia's eyes.

The helicopter's going to fall. We're going to crash.

Mia touched her arm. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realize the flight would be so hard for you."

Olivia couldn't speak; her tongue was like wool in her mouth. But that was probably a good thing. Otherwise, she'd probably say something she'd regret. Mia knew Olivia was afraid of heights. She had witnessed Olivia firsthand freaking out last summer when she was stranded for hours in a chairlift at the Midsummer Faire. How could she think this would be okay?

"Hey." A warm hand covered hers as someone sat beside her. "Take a deep breath for me. Just one deep breath." The deep baritone drawl was reminiscent of the South. She tried to focus on the voice, willing herself to follow its commands. "Good, now another." With each breath, her heart rate slowed, and the vice-like grip on her chest loosened. When she opened her eyes, she was looking into a pair of warm brown eyes.

Olivia smiled. For the first time in what felt like forever, hope glimmered inside her. She wasn't alone anymore, lost in her fear. As the helicopter turned, banking against the wind, she couldn't help but feel grateful towards this stranger.

Gosh, he's awfully cute.

Mia, too, seemed to think the same thing. She smiled at Olivia, lifting her brows to show her appreciation.

"Everything's going to be okay," the guy said. "I've been on plenty of these trips, and I know how scary it can be. But this helicopter is top of the line, and the pilot is a buddy of mine. There's no way he'll let anything bad happen to us."

Olivia took a deep breath, letting his words sink in. Her heart was beating slower now, and her grip on the seat, relaxed.

"Besides, we're almost there." He gestured towards the window. "See?"

Olivia followed his gaze and was struck by the sight of Diamond Peak Resort. The complex was enormous, spread out below her like a glittering city. The buildings were surrounded by towering mountains, blanketed in pristine snow. It was like something from a dream, a magical kingdom hidden in the clouds.

"It's beautiful," she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Not bad, huh?" he grinned, and Olivia couldn't help but smile back. "I'm Mason, by the way." He offered his hand.

"Olivia," she said, taking it. "And this is Mia."

"Nice to meet you both."

"So, what brings you to Diamond Peak Resort, Mason?" Mia asked. "Business or pleasure?"

"Both, actually." Mason's tone was cryptic. Mia raised her eyebrows, encouraging him to continue.

"I'm a ski instructor," he said, with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Really?" Mia's eyes lit up. "You might know my fiancé, then. Daniel Wilson?"

Mason's gaze shifted, and there was a hint of hesitation in his voice. "Yeah, I know him."

Unease burned in Olivia's belly. Did Mason dislike Daniel, or was it just her imagination? Her nerves were shot to pieces. It was probably nothing.

As they drew nearer to the resort, Mia practically effervesced in her seat. "Isn't it just stunning?" she exclaimed, squeezing Olivia's hand. "I told you it would be worth it. We're going to have the best two weeks of our lives."

Guilt gnawed at Olivia. Mia had been pushing her to come on this trip for weeks, ever since she got engaged to her rich boyfriend. I'm going to be Mrs. Daniel Wilson, she declared one day, turning up on Olivia's doorstep with a diamond the size of a pea affixed to her hand. Can you believe it? Not wanting to disappoint her friend, Olivia agreed to come, though she was reticent. The thought of being surrounded by so much luxury and unfamiliar people filled her with dread.

"I know you're worried about being here," Mia said, sensing Olivia's hesitation, "that you'll be out of your element or something, but I promise it's going to be amazing. You're going to love Daniel's sister, Harper. Remember? She's just like you. All nerdy and bookish."

A hint of a smile crossed Olivia's face at the thought of meeting someone like herself. But then Mia added with a sly wink, "And don't forget about his eligible brothers."

Olivia's cheeks warmed, and she shot a quick glance Mason's way. Thankfully, he seemed engrossed in his own thoughts. "Mia!" she hissed. "Can you not say things like that in front of people?"

Mia chuckled and nudged her friend playfully. "Oh, lighten up, Liv. Mason's a big boy. I'm sure he can handle it."

Hiding her face in her hands, Olivia shook her head. While she treasured her long-standing friendship with Mia, going all the way back to grade school, she couldn't help but wonder if she'd regret giving in to the pressure to come on this trip.

Finally, the helicopter touched down. Olivia's legs trembled as she hopped off the aircraft, her first steps on solid ground greeted by the sharp scent of pine needles and damp earth.

What a welcome change!

Her gaze fell upon a tall figure approaching them. It was Daniel, looking as handsome as he did in the photos Mia posted to her Instagram feed. But there was no trace of the boyish grin Mia always raved about. Instead, worry was etched into his features. His dark eyes looked haunted.

"Daniel, what's wrong?" Mia asked, her voice filled with concern.

Daniel's words sent a shiver down Olivia's spine. "It's Harper," he said. "She's gone."

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