Chapter Three: The Silent Lodge

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Olivia's heart raced as she reread Harper's post, the girl's words swirling through her mind like snowflakes in a shaken snow globe. Who was this someone Harper was referring to, and why was she frightened? Could there be a connection between the blog post and Harper's disappearance? A knot of unease tightened in Olivia's chest, and she hugged one arm around her ribcage, fingers pinching the fabric of her blouse. It seemed almost too coincidental. Harper had hinted at the possibility of something happening to her, and now she was missing? The odds were staggering.

And why was the post deleted? Could the person she heard rustling around in here earlier be the one who deleted it? Were they who Harper wrote about? Maybe they had something to do with Harper's disappearance and were trying to cover their tracks.

A door slammed in the hallway, shattering Olivia's concentration. Startled, she snapped the laptop shut and hurried back to her room, closing the door behind her with a heavy sigh. Silence engulfed her, amplifying the cacophony of thoughts clamoring inside her mind. Each one tugged her in a different direction, overwhelming her with conflicting choices.

Should she tell someone about the blog post? On one hand, sharing it could stir up unnecessary worry and trouble. What if the post had nothing to do with Harper's disappearance, and Olivia's anxieties were unfounded. Maybe she was overreacting, seeing connections where there were none? Perhaps it was wiser to keep it to herself for now, at least until she had more information.

But what if the post contained a fragment of truth, a vital clue to unravel the mystery of Harper's vanishing? The consequences of remaining silent loomed over her, burdening Olivia with a deep sense of responsibility.

Harper was missing, for goodness' sake. She could be hurt, or worse still, dying. Staying silent meant wasting precious time Harper might not have. What was it Olivia had read about survival in extreme cold? A person only had a few hours before hypothermia set in? Every passing minute counted, and Olivia couldn't afford to waste a single one. Besides, the urgency in Harper's words was undeniable, and Harper wouldn't have written them without reason. No, if there was even the slightest possibility the blog post held any truth or relevance, Olivia had to take action. The potential repercussions of staying silent were far too grave to ignore.

Then, again...

Olivia slumped onto her bed and reached for her phone. Mia would know what to do. She always did. But as the screen illuminated, frustration bubbled up inside her. No reception bars. Damn her luck and her useless mobile. If only she hadn't left her iPhone on the roof of her car last week, she'd still have a reliable cell. Instead, she was stuck with this flimsy piece of tech that couldn't even connect her to the outside world.

Still, she wasn't going to give up that easily. Determined to find Mia, she marched out of her room, her footsteps echoing in the long, dimly lit corridor.

Lined with faded wallpaper peeling at the edges, the walls seemed to stretch endlessly. Flickering lights overhead cast eerie shadows that danced and morphed, their ever-changing shapes and forms creating an illusion of movement.

As she drew near a turn in the hall, a prickling sensation crawled up her spine. She stiffened, her footsteps faltering. Something was off, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Her senses heightened, every nerve on edge. Unease tightened its grip.

She wasn't alone.

The weight of someone's gaze bore down on her, unseen eyes fixated just beyond her line of sight. Her heart pounded as she glanced over her shoulder, scanning the corridor. No one was in sight, yet the feeling persisted, haunting her every step.

"Get a grip," Olivia whispered to herself, her voice barely audible in the hushed hallway. She took a deep breath, steadying her trembling hands. Now was not the time to let her imagination run wild.

Nervous anticipation greeted her when she arrived at Mia's room, and she rapped on the door, three brisk taps. "Mia?" she called out, her voice echoing in the empty corridor.

No response. Olivia groaned. What was she going to do now? The thought of returning to her room bothered her. She couldn't get Harper's blog post out of her head--the words and all they implied playing on repeat.

But what other option did she have?

Taking a deep breath, Olivia made a decision. She'd explore the resort. After all, if Mia wasn't in her room, she had to be somewhere within these walls. With her Mia-radar on high alert, she combed through the premises, searching the lounge area and bustling dining hall, before passing through the hotel lobby. Conversations about snow conditions, news updates on the TV, and shared laughter filled the air. But there was no sign of Mia. Where could she be? At the spa perhaps, unwinding after their long trip? Or maybe she'd joined a group of skiers for a run down the slopes. The options swirled in Olivia's mind, but none offered certainty.

Stepping outside, she inhaled the crisp mountain air, hoping it would calm her restless nerves. It did a little, it's cool chill tingling on her cheeks and invigorating her senses. Yet, as she wandered the winding pathways that snaked through the snow-covered landscape, an unsettling feeling tugged at her senses, refusing to be ignored.

The ski resort seemed strangely deserted, devoid of the lively activity one would expect for such a popular retreat. The slopes stood vacant. The chairlifts remained motionless. Even the ski runs lay silent, their pristine surface undisturbed by the joyful swishing of skis. It was as if time stood still, freezing the resort in a state of suspended animation.

And still, that unsettling feeling persisted, as if unseen eyes followed her every move. It slithered beneath her skin, leaving a trail of icy tendrils in its wake.

Supressing a shiver, Olivia pressed on, her footsteps leaving imprints on the glittering snow. Rows of snow-laden trees flanked her path, their skeletal branches reaching upward as if beckoning her toward a hidden secret. The frigid air clung to her skin, chasing goosebumps across her skin.

As Olivia rounded a bend, a clearing emerged, revealing a grand building that stood like a forgotten relic frozen in time. Its weathered wooden facade bore the marks of age, with faded paint peeling to expose the intricate patterns of the timber beneath. A pristine blanket of snow graced the roof, mirroring the gentle curves of the surrounding landscape.

With a gasp in her throat, Olivia made her way toward the building, her boots crunching through the deep drifts blanketing the path. The grand archway commanded attention with its ornate carvings, a tapestry of winter wonder and adventure. Delicate snowflakes and graceful skiing figures adorned the facade, while above the entrance, a sign proclaimed 'Ski Lodge.'

Hope swelled within Olivia's chest. Mia had mentioned a lodge in their conversations. Could she be inside? The scarred and weathered wooden double doors stood slightly ajar, inviting Olivia to enter. Eager to confirm her hunch, Olivia pushed them open, their hinges protesting with a strained creak.

Before her stretched an expansive hall, its lofty ceilings hung with chandeliers that cast elongated shadows on the parquet floor. Rows of plush couches and gleaming coffee tables fanned out in perfect symmetry, remnants of a bygone era. Yet, despite its opulence, the room remained vacant, untouched by human presence. Not a single soul graced the luxurious seats or indulged in conversation. Only stillness prevailed, punctuated by the muffled echo of her steps.

Tip, tap.

Tip tap.

Tip Tip. Tap Tap.

Tip Tip. Tap Tap.

Olivia abruptly halted, her heart pounding in her chest. What was that? She could have sworn she heard something. Footfalls, blending with her own.

She stood frozen, her senses sharpened to catch even the faintest sound. Time seemed to stretch as silence enveloped the hall, broken only by the sound of her breath, heavy and rapid.

And then, there it was again. Tip, tap. Tip, tap. The sound, though faint, etched its presence into Olivia's consciousness, leaving no room for doubt.

Her muscles tensed, her gaze darting around the hall in a frantic search for the source of the approaching footsteps. With each passing second, the sound grew nearer, louder.

Fear coiled around her, its grip tightening as realization sank in.

Someone was in the lodge with her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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