Chapter 2

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Twilight's P.o.v

Yugi yelled Yu-Gi-Oh! for some reason but when he did his necklace started glowing, his voice goes deeper, he gets taller, three of his bangs stick up against his mane and a horn grows from his forehead. When the glowing stopped this same but new pony looked at himself.

"Seems Yugi was right I do have wings and a horn," He looks up at me " Hello."

"H-hi um are you the pony called Pharaoh?" I asked him.

"That's one of my names." He said bowing his head.

"What do you mean?"

"That is what I mean I have many names."

"Okay..... then what should we call you when your like this."


"Hello?" I asked tilting my head. He seems to be spacing out but now that I think about it Yugi seemed to space out a lot maybe that's how they talk to each other. 

"Well I guess when around other pe...ponies just call me Yugi, other wise call me I really don't remember my real name." He said muttering the last part.

"Okay Yami. You two arn't form around here are you?" Spike asked.

"No we arn't and where we come from we arn't even ponies, we are people and a long with six other people we are the only ones with magic of any kind." He said with this ancient voice I really don't understand.

"People?!" Spike yelled.

"Yes...people." Yami said looking at Spike weirdly.

"Twilight are ya here?" Applejack yelled from the entrance of the castle.

"Oh dear um Yami could you switch with Yugi so my friends don't ask questions." I asked him.

"Sure...." He said raising his eyebrow, then the necklace glowed again and the pegusus Yugi was back.

"In here AJ!!" Spike yelled opening the door to the room we where in.

"Here yall are and who's the blue pony?" AJ asked once she entered the room.

"He's a friend AJ this is Yugi, Yugi this is AJ." I said introducing them to each other.

"Hi AJ." Yugi said smiling.

"Howdy Yugi nice ta meet ya." AJ said tiping her hat.

Yugi's P.o.v

"Twi somethn' is goin' on it Cloudsdale." The orange pony called AJ said in a country accent.

"What do you mean Applejack?" Twilight asked the orange pony.

Yami do you have any idea how we got here?

'Well that ripple we saw might have something to do with it sence I was the one to first meet them' Yami said nodding his head at the pony and the dragon.

True but where is here.

'I don't have a clue maybe this Princess or Princesses Twilight speaks of might be able to tell us how we got here and maybe thesegirls will tell us were we are if you ask them.'

And maybe why your this pony called an Alicorn.

'Maybe but you have to ask.'

"Um Twilight where exactly am I?" I asked the purple pony with wings and a horn.

"Oh right your not from here. You are in Equestria and right now your in a town called Ponyville. The four of us are going to a city call Cloudsdale to see why they requested me there." She explained.

"Ok so is 'Cloudsdale' made of clouds or something." I asked.

"Yes only Alicorns and Pegasi can walk on them but with this spell all ponies and dragon can walk on clouds."

"Ok so why am I coiming?"

"Because the Princesses are there and I was going to ask them how you got here and about the other thing."

"Ok so one more question why is there a mark on my flank?"

"That's a Cutie Mark it reflects the destaney of a pony and yours is a puzzle peace with a weird eye on it plus cards behind it."

"Ok thank you."

Yami the mark on your flank is blurred I can't tell what it is but it seems when your in control the mark does change to the puzzle but when we are taling like this its like its not there its strange don't you think?

'Not really Yugi sense I don't remember my past so my 'destaney' is a mystery'

I guess that's possible so that could also explain why my 'cutie mark' does change when we switch.

'That is highly possible Yugi'

"Hey Yugi!" Spike yelled waving his claw in my face.

"What is it Spike?" I asked jumping.

"You were spacing and Twilight was trying to ask you something."

"Oh well I space alot but when I'm not to deep in a conversation I normally hear somepony."

"Oh sorry to pull you out of your conversation with Yami but we need to go." Twilight said.

"Oh umm right." I said fallowing them out to a waiting Applejack.

Normal p.o.v

The three ponies and the dragon headed to a hot air balloon so the Earth pony and the dragon could fly up to Cloudsdale while on the other hoof the Alicorn and the Pegasus colt flapped their wings in persuit of the balloon heading for Cloudsdale. The blue stallion having a little trouble but was being helped by the purple mare.

"Thanks Twilight." The blue stallion said.

"It's nothing my friends had to help me when I was first learning to fly so I'd thought you needed the help Yugi." Twilight said. Yugi just smiled. Soon they reached Cloudsdale. Were Yugi was hestatint to step on the cloud in fear of falling through. Soon the four friends set off towards where the Princesses waited.

Sorry this was so short. So I guess I should say I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Or My Little Pony, I'm just a fan writing fanfics also I might add of my own OCs and villains but I'm not quite sure yet so just be on the look out for names and ponies you don't recognize those are ether mine or just a random name I came up with.


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