7 3/3# How did it went?

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'You and Lo'ak were inseparable. You were doing everything together and most of the free time you spend with him. 

As his parents were hunters and he was training to be one too you wanted to do this too. Unfortunately your father hated this idea and he forbade you to be one. 

Of course he got reasons. Your mother were on of them and she died in one of the fights.

As kids do you didn't listened and were training with Lo'aks' siblings.


After on of the training your father found out about it and you got detention. You were sitting in the family tent. At night you heard quiet voice outside.

-"Hey. Are you there? Y/N?" 

-"Yeah." - you replied as you figure out that was Lo'ak.

-"Don't worry, I'm getting you out of here. Come on."

He lifted the bottom edge of the wall and you slit under it. As quiet as possible you two runned away from there.

You arrived to your secret base in the middle of the forest. You sat down and started catching breath after long run.

-"Why did you help me? You didn't need to. "

-"Of course I needed to. You're my best friend. I don't have lots of them."

You smiled warmly to him and rested on his shoulder. He laid his head on your and closed his eyes.

-"You know what? I think I really love you Y/N." - he said and took your hand and wrapped yours fingers together.

-"I love you too." '


'You become good friends. Her family liked you and were spending most of the time with them.

One day they decided to go to longer trip. You packed the most needed things like food or bow and after dinner everybody set off.

When Sun went down and it was time to sleep you and Kiri went on the top of the tree to look at stars.

-"I love stars. They're so bright and beautiful."

-"Yeah. You know what's even more beautiful?" - you asked and looked at her.

-"What?" - she asked.

-"You are."

She looked at you and blushed. You stepped closer and gave her a kiss. You looked each other in the eyes for some time.

-"It's disgusting. How people can even do this?" - you heard Lo'ak voice behind you.

-"Lo'ak! Get out of here you skxawng."

He went back down with laugh. She smiled to you and you both continue watching night sky.'


'You were sitting on the edge of your house and petting ilu. You spend over three months in the village and it you started feeling there like in home.

After some time Tonowari walked to you.

-"How you doing today Y/N?" - he asked and sat down next to you.

-"I'm great, thanks for caring." - you replied with smile.

He looked with smile.

-"Would you like to go on hunting with me?"



Before dinner you two swimmed outside the reef. it was great time together. He tough you some new things and helped you with chasing fishes.

After hour you sat down on the rock. It was time to came back to village but you needed to relax for a moment. Tonowari sat next to you.

-"You're getting better day by day."

-"Thank you. I'm trying my best to fit in, being like other Metkayina"

-"You already are one of us, even if you don't look like. You can choose work you want to do, you're partner. I'm sure there's someone you like."

-"I don't know. But I don't think there's someone who would like me back." - you laughed slightly.

-"I'm 100% sure there is." - he said and looked into your eyes.

You looked at him trying to figure out what he meant. When you realize you blushed but also felt bad because of that.

-"But, what with Ronal? She's the one promised to you. Also I'm a man."

-"I know. But there's nothing said that we can't change that. I don't care that you're from different clan or you're same gender as me. I love you by my whole heart."

-"I love you too." - you replied and laid against him.

You were happy but this will give you long night of thinking.'


'Thanks to your spirit sister you and Tsireya came along with each other pretty well. You became good friends and were spending most of the time together.


One day you two went to met your spirit siblings. As you arrived you saw them spending time together as well. You swam closer to talk to them.

-"I see you sister. How's your love life? Good? That's great."

Tsireya also talked to her sister. She looked really happy and pretty, you couldn't hold yourself from starring.

When your sister saw what you're doing she told you to finally tell her what you feel. You argue with her for a moment but she was able to convince you to do it.

-"Hey, Tsireya. I wanted to tell you something important."

-"Say it then." - she replied and swam above the water.

You followed her to the surface.

-"My sister convince me to say it so. I love you."

-"Really? OMG, I love you too, Y/N." '


'Your family was spending their free time learning and swimming with other Metkayina. You spend most of your time alone or with Ao'nung. He thought you many thing by that time.

One late midday as you were laying in the water he came to you and laid next to you. After some time he started talking.

-"You're as strange as your sister. Why do you lay like that?" - he started and laughed.

-"If it's strange so why you doing it?"

-"I wanted to know what do you in it." 

-"But when you were bullying Kiri you didn't bothered to do this." - you said as anger was rising in you.

You stood up and wanted to go away.

-"Hey! Wait!" - he stopped you.

-"I'm sorry, I just didn't think what I was doing. And I've got a lesson. Don't be angry at me, I want you to like me."

-"Tsk. Don't worry about liking, I think that you made enough to me loving you."

-"I ... I love you too. I think. I'll do anything for you."

You looked at him with little confusion. You didn't expect such behavior. After thinking you laughed a little a walked closer. 

-"You're the biggest idiot I know. Even bigger that Lo'ak." - you gave him a simple kiss in chick.

-"I'll take as compliment." '

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