Chapter 4

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~The Magnetic Pull; Chapter 4: The Hatred In Differences.~

Goku's POV

I woke up to the annoying sound of the alarm clock set for 5:00 in the morning and got off my bed with a groan. I could see Chichi shuffle a little and I prayed I didn't wake her up. I looked over to Gohan to find him sleeping peacefully in his tiny bed and I smiled. I went into the closet and grabbed the uniform labeled 'uniform 1' another groan. I grabbed everything else I needed before going into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth sleepily, close to dropping and falling asleep as I rinsed my mouth. Not even the coldness of the water I splashed on my face prepared me enough to get through today and properly wake me up. After practically showering in cold water, trying to wake myself up, I left with my uniform on and existed the room as quietly as I possibly could so I didn't wake up my family. I grudgingly walked to the supply closet before leaving to go outside. I sloppily cleaned the 1st statue, my eyes barely open. I was almost too sleepy to fly up and clean the top of the statue. Somehow, I ended up cleaning all I needed to without falling asleep and I mentally high-fived myself for that.

I continued the process of cleaning the statues with one eye open and not properly washing the statue good. It took me a second to realize that one of the statues was missing and I starting thinking I was hallucinating or dreaming but then yesterday's events appeared in my head.

I relived the entire thing in my head but stopped at the end, staying on one thing that couldn't get out of my head for some reason.

When Vegeta hugged me.

I felt so special for a second. It was kind of really weird and when I remembered what Vegeta said to me that day, my heart fluttered. I physically slapped my self in the face for getting excited about that. I can't believe he did that though. I was so surprised when it happened I literally froze like I did when I dropped the bucket of soap water on Vegeta's head.

"Goku!" I snapped my head to the sound of my name to see one of the servants glaring at me.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered.

"Quit daydreaming and get to work! You've been standing there for ten minutes! Get you ass up there and clean the head." He scolded.

"Yes sir!" I saluted him (for some awkward reason) and flew up to the top of the statue.

"Tch, Saiyans. Taking the easy way out of life. So goddamn lazy."

I turned to see two other people on ladders having a gossip session on Saiyan as a way to make fun of me.

"Yeah, they're such jerks for flying right in front of us and just taking the easy way out when we have to climb all the way up the ladder and back down. It's frustrating really." The other guy said.

"We could get hurt on this thing and those filthy Saiyans would just sit and stare at us before laughing their heads off! I mean really it's-"

"Now wait a minute." I interrupted the first guy. They both looked over to me with disgust and satisfied smirks, somehow at the same time. "What makes you think a Saiyan wouldn't save you like any other person? Hell, we could do it even better and safer than a human could. We've helped so much in this world's population and destruction. We've made sure to keep you humans safe and you say we don't?" I asked.

That really hurts considering I've saved this world plenty of times as a Saiyan. I've kept this place safe-- even from my own brother-- just to protect human kind!

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