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Fred's POV at the start of Wicked Hate. How did he feel about Lilith back then?

(This is around Chapter 17 in WH)


  Fred woke up that morning utterly furious with himself so he was not in the mood to deal with Sienna right now. Another night. Another fucking night in which he had dreamed with Arambella.

Why did he have to be so fucking obsessed with her?

He had not seen her since yesterday when she had had a moment of righteousness and had defended during lunch her only friend - that Lovegood girl  - aside from the Slytherin crew. And while he thought that maybe - hopefully - that would make him forget her for at least a good couple of hours, it actually had the opposite effect. Her absence in the halls only fueled her presence in his mind.

If someone had asked Fred to describe Lilith Arambella, the Beater of Slytherin and the bane of his existence, with just one word, that word would be 'nemesis'. There was not a single person on this planet that could feed Fred's anger the way Lilith could. She was everything his mother had warned him about; a Slytherin, the daughter of a Death Eater and a Snape. 

And, as if that was not enough, she seemed to adore getting on his nerves as much as he adored bothering her; always with that sharp and venomous words ready to fight him back, those eyes that could transmit the coldest of looks and that stupid competitive spirit whenever they were in the middle of a Quidditch match.

He should not be obsessed with her. He should not even care about her. 

However, there he was - dreaming about her every fucking night because, of course, Fred's life couldn't be easy and he had to find Lilith pretty. He had to lust over his fucking enemy.

Fuck his life.

She was so pretty that he couldn't help but shiver whenever he thought about her. If angels had faces, they would probably have hers. Those fucking enchanting eyes, those curls, those lips and that body with her curves and the muscles on her back and arms were the reason his right wrist hurt every night. Even the things in her that the boys in his house criticised about women sent him straight to his knees, such as the stretch marks he had seen on her hips whenever she raised her arms and her shirt went a bit up showing her stomach or the belly bulge that could be seen when she wore those tight skirts that made him foolishly drool. The things he would do to have her...even if it was just once.

The worst part was that he did not only feel attracted to Lilith physically. Oh, no, maybe if he did, he would still have a chance to recover his sanity! 

There were parts of her stupid personality that bewitched him just as much as her appearance. Fred would die before admitting it aloud, but he felt his trousers going tighter every time Lilith played her smart-arse role, those times when a question was made in class and she lifted her hand to answer - knowing that she would be right because of course only she could know stuff such as why you need to use belladonna in an explosive potion instead of rosemary. All Fred could think of in those moments was about grabbing her swot arse and bending her on his desk so he could teach her all the bad things he knew that she possibly didn't.

 Fred also adored her fierceness on the field, even if it also enraged him to limits unknown to himself. It didn't matter how rough he was as a player or how dangerous and good Gryffindor's team was, if it wasn't because of Harry's talent to find the snitch, Lilith could solely handle all of them and still win. And fuck his life if that uniform didn't make her body even more exquisite...

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