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Fred and Lilith's children are now teenagers falling in love


"He is the most infuriating person I've ever met!" Sabrina protested, sitting on the kitchen counter while her mum prepared her favourite dessert; blueberry pastries. "I cannot see him again. I can't go back to Hogwarts and see him again. Send me to Beauxbatons with Maeve, I bet auntie Lin would be happy about it, I don't care, just don't make me go back to Hogwarts with that bloody wanker."

Lilith couldn't help but snort.

"And who is gonna take the credit for your pranks if I send you to Beaxbatons, my darling? Are you gonna let Cassie have all the glory?"

"Over my dead body!" Brina protested again. "She is just like dad, their pranks are good but they lack wit. Too Weasley. My touch is what makes them legendary, even McGonagall agrees. If it wasn't because of me, Hogwarts would be the most boring place in the world."

Oh, Merlin, she was indeed Draco's godchild.

The 16-year-old girl sighed, tying up her cinnamon-coloured curls in a messy ponytail. Lilith looked at her while putting the blueberry pastries on a plate, unable to overlook how similar her daughter was to her own self in her younger years. 

Sabrina and Cassie were her spitting image except for their hair colour and the little freckles they had splashed over their noses and cheeks. That is why whenever Brina ranted about how much she despised that Slytherin boy that messed with her, Lilith couldn't help but smile at the irony of seeing her own story repeating.

"What was this boy's name again?" 

Another sigh.

"Louis Zabini."

"Blaise and Daphne's son?! He is such a dear! Well, at least he was last time I met him," Lilith scowled, preparing now cups of tea for her family of five. "Why is he bothering you, then? I know for a fact Blaise and Daphne adore you!"

It was heartwarming to prepare five cups and not only two. Lilith's heart shrunk whenever she had to prepare only two. Since their kids had started their magical education, Fred and Lilith had found themselves missing them horribly every single day so whenever they came home for holidays, such as this Christmas one, their home felt full and warm again. Being able to see them, to watch them fall asleep in her and Freddie's arms as when they were little, hear them laugh, hear them rant about things that made them mad, being able to hug them, to touch them, to smell their perfumes...there was nothing that made Lilith happier than that.

"And you had to be friends with his parents," Brina complained, biting into one of the pastries, "He loves to mess with me because he says he is a better Quidditch Beater. In his motherfucking dreams. He also says he is a better prankster than me. The fucking audacity, mum! Do you know how many times has he been in detention? Three. Do you know how many times have I been in detention? One. And it was Cassie's fault for signing 'Cassie, Roxie & Brina Weasley were here' on Flitch's underwear."

Her mum should have said 'language', but how could Lilith correct her daughter's vulgar words if she spoke in that way as well? It was better to let her girl vent all her rage and make sure Sabrina felt listened to. If there was something that Lilith had made her life's goal since her babies were born was to be the best mother she could be for them. Be the mother she never had.

"It wasn't me!" Cassandra yelled from her room. She did that whenever her name was mentioned even if she had not been listening to the conversation.

Lilith scowled, trying to hold back her smile.

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