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Song for the chapter : You - Radiohead

Dear diary, this is y/n speaking. Today has been sad, you could say. My stupid parents needed to move out for some stupid job offer and didn't even tell me with time. Now I have to move to this shitty town called South Park, I'm surprised if there's even decent jobs here. I just wanna go back home, I miss my friends.. and *cluttered words*

I'm interrupted from my writing by a harsh shove on my shoulder. I look up angrily and see it's my dad from the front seat, mouthing something. I take off my headphones and ask him what's wrong, "Stop listening to that stupid music! We're here. " My eyes widen slightly, and I shift slightly to look out the window. It's snowing! A smile slowly crawls to my face. I've never seen snow before.

About 10 minutes later, we make it to our home, my smile falling. I turn to look at the place, a two story light yellow house. I quickly wrap the headphones around my neck and grab my diary. I step out of the car, it's quite cold. I shiver as I work my way to the trunk of the car to get my luggage. I jog up to the front door of the house and yell for my parents to hurry up. A bit later, they unlock the door, and I run inside. It's not as bad as I thought. "Maybe this stay wouldn't be as bad." I thought to myself.


About an hour unpacking my things into my new room, I sit by the window, holding my knees close to my face, and stare off into nothing. However, my sight unconsciously turns to the neighbors house, looking straight into the second floor window, probably someone's room.

That's until I see a red-haired boy walk in, probably around my age, with a white undershirt and a black t-shirt. My eyes soften a bit at the sight, cheeks slightly flushed, trying to admire every bit of him before he realizes I'm staring. Cute freckles sprinkled all over his cheeks, and I took notice that he had braces. I smiled slightly, but he turned to look at me, I quickly turned to look at something else and tried to act normal, but the smile never left my face as much as I tried to stop it.

I gave up and eventually turned to look back at him. He was still staring at me. I wave and give him a small awkward smile, to which he also returns. Our little moment is interrupted by my mother calling me "y/n! Dinners ready!" I sighed and got up from the window, turning to look at the boy one more time. Smiling at him, I took off into the dining room.

We all ate in awkward silence, not saying anything, but I thought we should lighten things up. "I met the boy next door through the window just now." I say uninterested. "That's great, sweetie." My mom replies with the same tone as me. I scoff slightly, annoyed she isn't even slightly happy about me becoming even a bit more social.

I eventually finish eating and head upstairs to get ready to sleep. I pick my pjs and start heading for the bedroom bathroom, I get stopped by a weird feeling in me, though. I set my clothes on the bed and turn to the window once more, hoping to maybe see him. But no one was around, a let out a disappointed sigh and went for the bathroom.

After taking a nice warm shower and brushing my teeth, I sat down at the window once again and put my headphones onto my ears, my favorite band, Radiohead playing.

You waited there, in hopes you'd see him, you could say it's love at first sight, but no, "That's silly, I haven't been in love in a long time, not after what happened, no. I can't fall in love with some kid I don't even know." I thought to myself, I shook it off and just went to my bed to sleep, I've got school tomorrow anyways, yay.


"You are the sun and moon and stars are you. And I could never run away from yo-" I grabbed my phone and quickly turned off my alarm, groaning, wishing to sleep a bit more, but I knew I had to get up.

(Here's ur outfit, but you can change it if you want)

I put on a white Radiohead t-shirt, a brown sweater, some dead sage green cargo pants, and sage green bapestas. To accentuate it more, I decided on a star necklace, some bracelets, and, of course, my favorite headphones.

It was now about 7:00a.m. I head downstairs and out of the house, making sure I lock it. Mom and dad usually aren't around in the morning because of work, so I'm used to being alone in the morning and afternoon. I stand outside, waiting for the bus to come by, I decide to distract myself by looking around. the majority of the snow had melted off, making it slightly more cold.

I wrap my arms around myself in hopes of creating a bit of warmth. The bus finally stopped at my house, I got inside and saw a bunch of kids, anxiety eating at me. I was interrupted by someone calling out, though, "Wait for me!" I turned behind me to see what was happening, and I find the same boy I was looking at last night, my face feeling much warmer now.

I walk down the bus, looking left and right for a seat, the only one being at the back of the bus. "Great." I think to myself. I sit down and play You by Radiohead on my headphones. I lean slightly on the window and hold back tears, I just wanted to be home, my real home.

I felt weight shift around next to me, enough to pique my curiosity. I turn and see the same red-haired boy once again. My eyes widen ever so slightly at him, surprised he sat next to me. He turns to me, "Um hey, you new?" He asked, I pulled my headphones down.

"Oh, yeah. Moved in yesterday." I replied. "I'm Scott Tenorman, you?" he speaks softly, his voice in a way mesmerizing, though you could really tell he was going through voice changes.

"I'm y/n, y/n l/n, it's.. nice meeting you, Scott." I smile lightly at him, happy I made an acquaintance. I look down at my legs in an attempt to hide a slight blush. "Godddd y/n not here, not now. Not this guy, at least, please.." I think to myself. "Hey, anyways, you wanna.. maybe hang out? I can show you my friends. I'm sure you can get along with them."

I look at him quickly. "Oh, really? I'd like that, but I don't wanna be a bother, really." I reply, waving my hands together in a kind manner. "I'm sure they won't mind." He replies almost immediately. I smile softly at him. "Okay then, thank you, Scott."


Ok, so this will definitely be slow in updating bc I'm a lazy bitch and also I have school so I hope you guys have the insane patience with me. Anyways I hope you're liking this so far and see yall next time :)

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