Maybe I Do?

376 16 15

Song of the chapter: Borderline by Tame Impala

Weeks had gone past, and Scott, Jake, and I had become inseparable these weeks. Meanwhile, Kenith was left lurking around corners, looking at us, mildly concerning and scary. Life had been good. I've forgotten most of my past in the place where I used to live, which though it was fun with my band and all, my mental health wasn't. With Scott and Jake with me, I've been seeing great improvement with my health.

My train of thought is cut off by a ruler slamming on my desk, startling me. "Miss/Mister y/n, I recommend you start working on your sheet instead of drawing.. Scott Tenorman." She gives me a look of judging when she mentions Scott, followed by snickers and giggles from the class. But, when was I ever drawing Scott? I turn to my drawing, and then Scott, who's sitting across from me, with a light pink fade sprinkled over his cheeks and a barely noticeable smile. I mentally slap myself for drawing him, though the drawing is good... I guess..
But I have to work before I get called out again.


After finishing my assignment, I sat doing nothing, counting the seconds, ticking away at the clock above the teacher's desk. I turn and look at Scott, resting my head on the palm of my hand. ".. Maybe I do?" I think to myself. I stare and take in every detail in his face, the color of his eyes, his orange curls that fell perfectly over his eyes, down to the size and amount of freckles on his face. Something about when I look at him feels weird. Like my stomach is rumbling, and a tingly feeling washes over me, and the blush that rises to my face and overcomes any makeup brands.

I look away and fidget with my hands, once again feeling all the symptoms once mentioned before, "Perhaps I should ask Jake about this, maybe he knows." I leave a mental note to myself to talk to him after lunch. Almost timed, the bell rings, and I rush to my next boring class.


Finally, lunch break. I ran out of class and searched for Jake everywhere. After a few turns around corners, I found him and nearly sprinted at him, "Jake! JAKE HELP!" I yell out as per usual. He turns to me with a questioning look, "What is it this time y/n?" He asks monotonously. "Um, I was wondering.." I fidget with my hands, now regretting the impromptu of my words, "I think I um,. might like Scott.."

Fear was striking every word I let I speak, I was scared he'd think I was weird of something similar. My anxiety grew worse at Jake's face, his eyes wide and his jaw almost touching the floor, "No way, dude! Really?! Do you like Scott Tenorman?!" He yells with enthusiasm, and I cover his mouth in a swift move, "Shut up, you idiot! Plus, I don't know if I even like him!" I whisper yell at him. He places his hands on my own and brushes them off his face, "Sorry, dude. But I totally think you guys are a great match!"

I blush slightly at his words and look away, making it seem as if I was making sure someone wasn't around as my excuse. "Please, just.. help me out or something.." I reply quietly, making it evident that I was shy about this conversation. "Alright, man, I don't know how you expect me to help you, but I'll try my hardest." He places a hand on my shoulder reassuringly, and I give him a slight thank you as we head back towards the lunch room.

After we both get our lunch, we walk over to our usual table where Scott is sitting alone. The sight makes me sad that Jake and I took so long to get here. I sat down beside Scott and Jake in front of him as usual, "Hey Scotty boy, how are you?" I ask like always. "I'm fine. Where were you two?" He asked, lacking the feelings in his voice. This made me a bit worried, "Oh we were talking about me tutoring y/n. They've been having trouble with math and asked me for some help." Jake replies calmly, to which Scott's head hangs low and mutters, "You could've done that here.." I don't question him.

I decided to scoot a bit closer to Scott, given I was on the edge of the seat and nearly falling off. This small act caused our legs to make contact, causing me to tense up a bit, but also Scott, too. Jake seemed to have noticed since he looked at me with a devious look.. yes, devious. The sides of my face grew red, and I looked down and chomped on my food to hide my face.

Lunch was over, and Jake, Scott, and I sat at our usual spot at recess. We mostly just talked about stupid shows we watched or bands, nothing out of the ordinary. That's until Jake had to be.. well, Jake.

"Hey, you know what would be fun? Truth or dare." Jake said enthusiastically, I looked at him with a 'Are you for real right now' look, "Dude you sound like one of those popular girls at sleepovers, are you sure you aren't like, gay or something?" Scott raised his eyebrows at him. I giggle at Scott's remark, to which Jake gives me a playfully angry look. "Come on, guys! You have to try it at least once a year!"

"Fine." Scott says doubtfully, I agree as well, and the game begins..

Ooh boy, we're in for it now.



Hey guys. First things first, before yall get mad at me, I've been doing state testing this past week, and the weeks before that, I was studying relentlessly day and night. I know it isn't exactly an excuse for not posting, but I'm seriously starting to lose hope in this little piece of junk. I didn't really want to involve my mental health, but about 2 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with a few things, and I guess that's sort of wearing me down, knowing how mentally ill I am. So that's also another reason for not posting. I'm really sorry, I might discontinue this, finish it short, do small chapters, or update every once in a long ass time. If you guys want to see something with this story, then please tell me, and I'll try to add it on. For now, I'm really sorry :(

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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