Knives Out

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Song of the chapter: Knives Out by Radiohead

Cute, coquette, calm and collected a/n: OMG YALL⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ NUMBER MOTHERFUCJING TOP 1 IN M4A. EXCUSE MY FRENCH BUT IM FUCKING 1ST PLACE ?? YEEEEAAAHAHAHAH LES GOOO. Also got #3 in reader x southpark and #5 in Scott tenorman?#*"?@?"?$ I MEAN OMG I HAVENT EVEN UPLOADED THAT MUCH, THANK YALL SO MUCH WHAT WHAT WHATTTTT.

Recap:  Hey anyway, let's go sit with my friends. " He points to a table where two boys look over at us. My smile fades quick as I see who's sitting there..

I see the same red hooded boy again, making me feel rather uncomfortable. I tug on Scott's shirt slightly, and he turns to me curiously. "Um, the one in red, is that your friend too?" I say, trying to sound normal.

He turns to me in confusion, "Yeah, why?". "No reason, let's just go." I say, shrugging it off. We head for the table the two guys are at and sit with them, my gaze concentrated on the floor.

"Hey guys, this is the new kid, y/n." Scott introduced me. I was basically forced to look up because of this, I gave both of them a soft smile and waved at them. "Y/n, this is Jake," he said, pointed at a boy with a purple shirt and a blue beanie " and this is Keni-" I cut him off "Yeah, I know him, um we met in 1st period."

Scott 'ah'ed in understanding. The boy in purple, which I now knew as Jake, held his hand out as if to shake it, which I returned with a smile. I looked down at my legs again, feeling Kenith look at me and making my anxiety grow bit by bit. It seems like Scott noticed because soon he said "Dude stop staring." In a hushed whisper as of to not make me even more embarrassed.

His staring problem soon stopped, and everyone was asking me questions, like where I used to live, what I like doing, what I listen to, all those sorts of things. When I was asked what I like to listen to, it was kinda hard to answer since I like a wide variety of music, (I'm bouta give yall my whole playlist as a 1st place special) "Well, I like deftones, Korn, soad, Steve Gabry, Xavleg, Rammstein, 6arelyhuman, and specially Radiohead. That's just among the many others." I say casually.

Scott, Jake, and Kenith stared at me, jaw agape, well, except Kenith, I don't think he bought what I said about liking girls.. I just took a bite out of my pizza looking at everyone, waiting for feedback. "Dude, that's crazy! I love like half of those bands!" Jake said, super surprised.

"I like some of them, but I really really like Radiohead too!" Scott chimed in as well. I blushed in the tiniest bit and turned to Scott, "Oh, that's amazing, man! You should totally come to my place sometime and listen to my radiohead riffs."

5 seconds later, I realize what I said and blushed horrendously. "I-I mean, that's if you want, you know? Uh, you don't have to, of course, ya know, uhm, if you're comfortable and all." I say at the speed of flash, almost literally.

"That Kenith boy definitely isn't going to believe what I said now.." I say in my head. Scott snickers at my reaction, "Dude, relax, it's fine, I'd love to go to your place and hear some music." I swear to my lord and savior Satan that I saw even the smallest tinge of blush on his face I am NOT tripping. I laugh awkwardly and scratch my neck. This is gonna be a long day, huh..


Irs about 3:50 p.m., and school is finally over. Relieved as fuck,  I leave the gates and rush to the bus. Again, there are no seats, just all the way to the back. I sit down and pull my headphones up and play Knives Out by Radiohead. I positioned myself and my hands as if I had my Rogue Rocketeer with me and started pressing my fingers against imaginary chords, playing the song blasting through my ears.

I did this until I felt weight shift by me, I quickly stopped and slapped my hands onto the bus seat, my eyes wide. I slowly turned to my left, knowing it would most likely be Scott, "S-Sorry about tha-" I stop mid sentence and see it's Kenith, "Oh." I say, barely above a whisper.

"Hey, I know you didn't mean what you wrote at Social Studies." He said really monotone, as if he was playing poker or something. I turned my face away from his, knowing damn well I was caught. I looked out the window, seeing a couple of familiar houses, knowing I was close to mine, praying that the bus stops at my place soon.

I feel something crawl up my thigh, though. I turn to look quickly to see it's Kenith's musty ass hand. I harshly slap it away, "Dude what the fuck?" I look at him, glaring a bit. He looks away and places his arms around his head, and crosses his legs as if he's living the life, "C'mon, you know you love it."

My face quickly twisted into one of disgust, "Man what the fuck is seriously wrong with you?" I say, poison in my words. "Listen, I'm just gonna say something, Scott isn't the sort of guy you wanna fall for. He'll just manipulate you and leave you in the dust once he gets what he wants." He says calmly.

Ok this fucker's got me pissed. "Fuck do you know about Scott?  You don't know him like that. He's a really cool guy, man. I can't believe you'd speak that low of your friend." I cross my arms and grip harshly on them, trying to contain my anger towards this the lorax in disguise from ebay looking bitch.

"He may be a good friend, but not a lover y/n, I'm better than him, you should set your sights on me." He says cockily. I was so sure I was drawing blood with how I was gripping my arms. I was literally about to swing at him when I realized the bus stopped at my neighborhood. I harshly pushed Kenith out of my way and took a last glance at him, now laying on the floor, "Scheiß kopf." I said harshly and made my way out of the bus. 

I'd been studying German for a little over a year now, and I was finally being taught how to curse at people. In short, I basically called him an shit head/asshole.

I took out my house keys from my pocket since mom and dad wouldn't be home until 5. I entered and locked my door from the inside. I let out a sigh and set my bag down.

I ran upstairs and opened my room, quickly jumping onto my bed. I was glad I was finally home. I looked up to the roof and counted the glow-in-the-dark stars placed around. "15..16...17..18" I said out loud, before hearing knocking at the door. I got up quickly and rushed to the door. I unlocked it and opened it carefully.

"Hello, uh, is this the l/n residence?"  A tall man with a beard asked, "Oh yes, that would be here." I reply. "Oh great, you've moved here recently, and we've brought the rest of the furniture from your old home." The man said, sounding super tired. "Oh, of course, come right in." I welcomed and opened the door wide for the other workers to bring in the furniture.

About 20 minutes later, they were done and brought everything in and placed it neatly where told. I paid them with a money mom and dad left on the counter and waved our goodbyes. I locked the door once more and decided to take a shower.


It was now 8 p.m., mom and dad were home, and again, we all ate in silence, until "How was your first day, sweetie?" My dad said. "It was alright, not too hard." I always liked dad a lot better. He was happier than mom and actually tried to lift the mood. I just wished mom was like that, too. She's always monotone and sounds uninterested in everything she does, even in the things she loves doing.

I finished eating and placed my plate on the sink. I headed upstairs and sat at my window again. About 5 minutes later, I see Scott again through the window and wave at him with a big grin, to which he returns. I make a wait sign with my hands and run over to get one of my guitars.

I come back with one of my absolute favorites, a gorgeous shiny black baritone guitar. Scott's jaw immediately fell to the floor and mouthed, 'That's so cool'.

We spent the rest of the night talking through papers we put on the glass for each one to read. However,  I couldn't stop thinking of what Kenith said on the bus earlier, but if I told Scott, it'd show that I like him... wait, what? Did I just think that? I don't like him,.. do I?

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating. I was very busy this weekend with my family. But then again, I don't think I'll post a lot during the weekend since it's the only time I'm free from my annoying school and get to relax. So yall will probably only see posting during weekdays. Anyways! As a 1st, 3rd, and 5th place special, I wanna make a special chapter for yall! Idk what to do, tho, so I was hoping you guys could tell me what you'd like to see as a bonus chapter. It can be everything but something sexual. Mamas, I'm sorry, but hell no I am not making cp 💀 Anyways, thank you guys for reading! I'll see you next time! MUAKIS 💋💋

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