Chapter 2: A Wife?

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The first thing I felt was a sharp pain in my head, causing me to whine from the feeling, a couple of seconds after, a cold hand was placed on my cheek, causing me to open my eyes, a blur filling my vision, when it cleared I saw two figures. 

A skeleton with a long and thin moustache, and... that girl, Emily, the one who chased my brother and I, stood above me, looking concerned,, I was able to see my twin beside me, out of the corner of my eye.

"Are you alright? You must've hit your head quite hard, but Mrs Plum fixed you up a bit." She told me, helping me up a little as I held my head.

"What happened?" I mumbled, slouching a bit, leaning against Emily.

"Yours and Victor's frantic scramble caused you to fall and hit your head, you passed out once I managed to catch up to you, you should be ok in a bit." She cooed, I looked around at the bright and joyful surroundings, staring with wide eyes, it looked some much prettier than the dull place I call home.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking over at the... very, very tall girl, blinking as I craned my neck to look up at her, she seemed to be amused at the awe in my gaze, hiding a small huff of laughter behind her hand, I noticed one of her arms was entirely missing any flesh completely, tilting my head, that one had been the one exposed to the elements.

"We're in the land of the dead, your new home." She told me, letting out a small giggle at my bewildered expression at the place, it looked way better than I had remembered, more skeletons and other, more recently deceased people were around, celebrating, what else was different, then I realised something, looking at my lap, before turning to her.

"What do you mean... my new home?" I asked, I knew she was married to Victor, but, I technically, wasn't even suppose to be here.

"Well, because you are my wife of course." She beamed, lightly tapping my nose as I blinked in shock, before I stared up at her, a rush of heat hit my face as I struggled to respond.

Before I could, something caught our attention, my brother had begun to stir, waking up to me, Emily and the first Skeleton from earlier above him, a new skeleton and a chef looking corpse behind us, looking down at him.

"We got two new arrivals!" The first Skeleton told us, I think I remember his name? Alfred?

"He must've fainted after Lora collapsed." Emily pointed out, looking down at my brother in concern.

"Are you alright?" She asked him, putting her skeletal arm on him, while Victor looked on in confusion.

"What...? What happened? Where is my sister?" He asked meekly, staring around with wide eyes as I tapped his shoulder to let him know I was there, Alfred leaned in closer to us both staring at us from the.... gaping holes... in his skull.... How the fuck does he see anything?!

"By Jove, man. Looks like we got ourselves a couple of breathers." He mused, before he was shoved out of the way by a cook, who stared down, mostly at my brother with excitement.

"Do they have a dead brother?" She croaked, shook a little, not.. creepy at all, all though, they all seemed kind of fun, not like all the people I know alive, a young skeleton child pushed in front of the cook, I think Emily had told me she was Mrs Plum?

"They're still soft." The little boy complained, poking at myself and Victor, causing me to lightly nudge him away, smiling a little, before I looked to my brother, who was backing away, whimpering, he moved to try and drag me back as well, causing me to stare at him weirdly.

"A toast, then." The shortest, adult skeleton with a sword through him announced, hitting his cup against another skeleton's cup, the taller skeleton had a large hole through his torso, from what looks like a cannon.

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