Prologue: Rebirth As A Twin

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It was an ordinary, dull night for a young woman, walking to try and get home, her short brown hair was pushed lightly into her face by the wind as she begun to cross the road, causing her to huff as she pushed it back our of her grey blue eyes.

As she did this, a loud screeching sound caught her attention as she turned with wide eyes to see bright lights careening towards her, the bright lights speeding at her body the last thing she sees before pain exploding all over her body, after a few moments of blinding agony wracking her body, darkness clouded her mind, muffled screams and shout being heard from all around.

Moments later, she opened her eyes, staring up at a blinding white light in the shape of a figure of someone, who she couldn't make out the features of, causing her to wince at the bright light.

"I am sorry young one, this was not meant to happen tonight." A solemn voice reverberated all around, causing her to jolt in shock, before things caught up to her.

"What... What happened? Am... am I dead?" She asked, staring up at the figure, confusion and fear littered her gaze.

"I am sorry, but I can give you a new chance, a chance to live a brand new life and in time, save the lives of two others, they will need you, and you will find what you have been missing you're whole life." The figure told her, seeming to stare down at her.

She stared up for a moment, trying to grasp a hold of what she had been told, she had lost her life, and now she had to leave it all behind completely? With a small sigh she made her decision, looking back up.

"Alright, what do I have to do?" She asked, staring back up to the figure.

"You must never tell anyone what you know, it could put you and those you care most for to be in danger, be careful who you trust, you'll know when you see them." She was told, before the light shone brighter, until it covered her entire eye sight.

Soon, a nasty smell of medicine, and dull grey wall hit her senses, two sets of wailing cries bombarding her ears, it took her a moment to realise, one of those cries where from her own mouth, before warm arms held her close, she wasn't able to see well enough, but a thin figure was staring back down at her, it took a moment, but the blur in her vision faded to reveal a man smiling down at her, before he turned to someone else.

"Oh look Nell, she's opened her eyes." The man cooed slightly, lowering the girl to show a larger woman, who stared down at her with a blue bundle in her own arms.

"They are both magnificent, an son and a daughter, we shall name him Victor." The woman cooed, moving back to stare at her son.

"What shall we name her?" The man asked, causing the woman to shrug, during this whole thing, The girl, now a baby started to realise something, the figure, his words, 'You'll know when you see' She now realised what he meant now and his warning too, these people were Nell and William Van Dort, that baby in the blue blanket,

"You name her William, I don't really care." The woman... my mother? huffed out, paying her attention back to her son, causing the man, my father, to look down at the infant in his arms with wide eyes, before he smiled softly, holding his daughter closer.

"Little Lora." He spoke gently, rocking the baby girl slowly, soothing her into sleep.

~~~~Time Skip, Lora and Victor are 5 years old~~~~

Two pairs of giggles and squeals sounded as two small, raven haired children chased each other around, two long sticks in their hands, playing pretend at sword fighting.

"You'll never beat me Victor!" The little girl squealed to her twin brother, the young boy laughed at his sister, before she rushed forward, poking him with her stick, causing him to fall dramatically.

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