chapter 86

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Time skip~

Three months later~

It was a fine dusk when the people in Min's mansion were ready to have their dinner. The whole dining hall was chatty with the family members snickering as Yuna and yong-sun were having their usual siblings bickering, roasting each other and siwoon was done with the two and just wanted to throw them out.

While yu-Jun and Ye-jun were giggling at their mom and uncle. Jaejoon silently flirting with his wife who was trying to ignore him at all costs and Just serve the dishes and Jin pinching his husband's thighs for breaking a plate. The whole dinner table was chaos.

And In this whole chaos, Jungkook was cutely glaring at the two men who were sitting on either side of his babies mama. Like, come on!!! He has to be next to tae and why is he made to sit so so so far away!? Cruel world and cruel people!

Jin: You're just sitting a few chairs away Jungkook don't be so dramatic!

Jin scolded with an eyeroll watching Jungkook clench his fist with a death glare pointed towards Yoongi and doyoung. Yeah, he was glaring at tae's cousins who pushed him to the other end of the table and sat next to his babies mama. Well, they didn't exactly push him he was just being too dramatic. While on the other hand, tae was obvious to the suffering bunny.

Doyoung: Here pretty, have this

Doyoung said extending the chopstick which had a piece of chicken, but tae shook his head with a frown, shifting in his chair uneasily. His lower back was throbbing in pain since morning than usual. He didn't feel like eating anything and baby bun was restless the whole day, kicking him without any mercy. He was even sweating a lot even with the air conditioner.

Doyoung frowned and placed the chopstick and completely turned to tae.

Doyoung: Hey! Are you okay?

Doyoung inquired placing his hand on tae's 9-month round baby bump. And a smile bloomed on his face when he felt a strong kick. He was now allowed to touch tae's baby bump after a month of denial from a certain bunny who kept saying he wasn't allowed to be near tae. But tae being an angel scolded his hubby and warned him not to be mean to his hyung. And from then doyoung was allowed to do his hyung duties to tae just like yoongi and namjoon.

Tae: I-I'm oka-

Tae wasn't able to complete his sentence as a loud pain-filled wail left his mouth which made everyone flinch. tears gathered at the corner of his pretty almond eyes and his hands grabbed the first thing that he can reach which was doyoung's hand, squeezing it too hard that the guy felt like his bones were almost crushed.

Doyoung: a-ahh Tae! my hand- OH MY GOD!!!!!

Doyoung yelled along with tae who squeezed his hand even more.


Jungkook screamed running to tae in full panic. Tae kept screaming in pain while continuing to crush doyoung's already broken hand who was already crying with tae.

The others started to panic after hearing tae's wails of pain, but Si-woon being the sensible one pulled out her mobile to call the ambulance which they already hired last week since tae was nearing labour. The family didn't want anything to go wrong so they made sure that everything was ready to welcome their grandson.

Jin: Tae! Baby, listen okay! We got you bear, breath. Don't panic okay?

Jin tried to calm him down, but tae kept screaming in pain and Panic. On the other hand, Jungkook was already tearing up, he couldn't hear tae sobbing in pain. Yoongi who was sitting next to tae got up and ran to the guest room to fetch the baby bag which had all the necessary baby supplies. It was packed a week ago to welcome the newborn to their home.

Si-woon: Jungkook the ambulance is ready outside!

Si-woon notified Jungkook when she got a callback.

Jungkook: b-babies mama! Please don't cry!!

Jungkook said shakily, scooping tae in his arms who let go of doyoung's hand and held on to Jungkook like his life depends on the man. The pain was getting unbearable with every passing second which made tae cry more.

Jungkook tried his best not to pass out in utter panic and carefully carried tae outside the mansion and carefully laid tae inside the ambulance gurney. Jin followed while calling his colleague to keep the operation theatre ready.

Tae: K-koo!! W-will I die!? Will I see our baby bun!? I don't want to d-die koo!! I don't want to!!

Tae sobbed pulling his husband's shirt. The question froze Jungkook who stilled for a moment.

Jungkook:  Tae! Don't ever! I say don't ever say that!! You are going to be fine love!! Do you think I'll let you leave me with our baby huh!? You'll be fine!!

Jungkook assured caressing tae's belly, his heart was thumping so anxiously and his palm was sweaty due to fear of something bad happening.

Tae will be fine right!? His baby must be fine too! He can't lose both or he'll lose his mind for real. Tae and his baby were his dreams! And he didn't want them to ever vanish away.

Jungkook: Y-you'll be fin- tae!? Baby!!

Jungkook called tapping tae cheeks which were tear strained. But he felt like his soul left his body when tae wasn't responding, that's when he realised that tae lost consciousness due to the unbearable pain and panic.

Jungkook: T-tae!! Hey Baby! Look here love! Hey!! Tae don't scare me!! I'll die without you! Jin H-hyung! Tae isn't speaking hyung!

Jungkook kept trying to wake tae who was turning pale, the firm grip that the pretty had on the raven's shirt completely loosened which put the guy in utter terror.

Oops, the cliff cliffhanger
2 more chapters to go~

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