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Shio Kazuko

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Shio Kazuko

Eraserhead, also named Aizawa Shota, got a phone call five days after he talked with Suzuki. Looking at the phone to see who called, he saw that it was the police.

He answered the phone and put it against his ear, "Aizawa speaking."

"Ah, hello Aizawa. It's Suzuki. Called in to say that we got the identity of the leg, so maybe you could come in if you have the time and want to."

Aizawa sighed, "Sure, I will come. I will be there in 10-15 minutes."

"Yes, I will see you soon. Just say to the one at the front desk that you want to see the captain and they will show you where I am. Goodbye."

"Bye." And with that, they closed the call.

Aizawa got up from the couch he sat on and drank up the last sips of coffee in his cup and put it in the sink, then he went into the bedroom to get dressed in his hero costume.

After getting dressed, he left the teachers' dorm and left the school ground, walking to his car. He sat down in the driver's seat and drove away.


Getting to the police station, he parked his car and walked towards the police station. He opened the door and walked up to the front desk.

"I'm looking for Suzuki." He said to the woman behind the desk.

"What's your business with him?" The woman asked.

"Ah, I'm Eraserhead, Suzuki asked for me."

The woman nodded, "Sure, he is right down in that room, sir." She said as she pointed to a door a few doors down the hallway.

Aizawa thanked her and then went down the hallway to the door the woman pointed at and knocked.

He heard a small 'Come in' and opened the door, he walked in and saw Suzuki sitting behind a desk, probably his since there was a nameplate on it, he was sitting with a paper in his hands.

Aizawa cleared his throat. getting Suzuki's attention, "Ah, welcome." He said as he put the paper down on the desk and sat up straight, motioning his right hand to the chair in front of him as he then put his hands on the desk.

Aizawa walked to the chair and sat down.

"You're probably wondering whose identity the leg has." Suzuki said as Aizawa just nodded and Suzuki continued, "The leg belongs to a girl whose name is 'Shio Y/n', but the weird thing about this is–" He showed his computer screen to Aizawa, showing a young girl, probably around 5 or 6 years old, he couldn't see her hair color or any of that since the picture was in black and white. She was smiling at the camera, "--this. As you can see, she's very young and she's believed to be dead and she lived more than a hundred years ago. It's just so weird, how can that leg belong to this young girl?"

This was definitely weird for Aizawa. Did they fake her death to later experience on her? That's horrible if they now did that.

Aizawa looked down at his lap as he began to talk, "That sure is weird. What do you think is the story behind this?" He looked up at the captain to look into his eyes.

"We have a pretty good theory about her. If you look at her background, you can see that she got adopted by a man named Shio Kazuko and he was a scientist, but he's dead now since it has been more than a hundred years. We think that maybe he faked her death to experience on her since she had something special." Suzuki said as he looked Aizawa in the eyes.

"Shio Kazuko. I've heard of him."


"Yes, I think my parents admired him for the stuff he discovered, but I don't think they would continue to if they figured out the stuff he had done if he now has done this to the little girl," Aizawa said as he tried to think for more stuff he has heard of this man, but couldn't come up with more.

"Huh... I will search for more information about him. Wait for a second.." Suzuki said as he turned the screen back to him and started typing away on the keyboard.

"He became 63 years old and died because he got murdered, shot more specifically. He was a scientist who worked with dead bodies, trying to discover something new and fascinating about the human body. He had no biological children but had an adopted child who we know is Shio Y/n and he adopted her when he was 51 years old, and he had no other family, not even a partner." Suzuki read from the screen for both Aizawa and himself.

" Suzuki read from the screen for both Aizawa and himself

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