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The next day, just like Aizawa said, he was sitting by Y/n's bed as she woke up.

"Good morning," Aizawa voices out and gets Y/n's attention.

"Good- good morning..." Y/n answers, although hesitantly. She has never heard someone say good morning to her with good intentions.

"Are you hungry?" He asks her and helps her sit up on the bed.

"I'm always hungry." She answers and pats her stomach with her green hand.

"Alright, do you have something in mind?" He asks again.

"...You.." She says, not looking him in the eyes, instead looking at the window that's closed off by blinds behind him so she wouldn't be seen by workers or patients alike who walk past.

"..Me?" Aizawa questions, confused.

She nods, "Yes, you were just so tasty, can I have some more? Please?"

"Oh, you mean yesterday when you..." He trails off but Y/n nods, understanding what he meant.

Y/n would have never asked this if the conversation that happened yesterday never happened. She went out of control but it wasn't her fault, and she believes him, it wasn't her fault. So it should be fine to ask for some more since this time she's in control.

"I'll just take a little and I'll not go out of control. I promise."

"Alright, I don't mind. But not too much, okay?" He agrees and Y/n lets out a grin.

"Yes!" Aizawa shows her his injured arm and Y/n removes the bandages, revealing eight teeth marks that have made holes into his skin. She moves the arm up to her mouth and bites down in the same holes.

Aizawa flinches lightly as he's already sore from begin penetrated once, and now the healing has gone up to smoke.

She sucks up an amount of blood before she stops and licks her lips as she moved away from him. She didn't lose control.

She stares at Aizawa expectantly. He smiles and pats her head, "Good job, Y/n."

She beams at the compliment.

"Y/n, can I ask you some questions regarding...your life?" Aizawa asks her carefully.

"Yes, I-I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities."

"You have to tell me when to stop, okay?" She nods at him and he nods back.

"Could you tell me about your life, as much as you want to tell?"

"Uhm, I was very young when I met my father, around six or seven years old. When he never came back again, I-I had already become seventeen and since then, my body never aged a second. My-my hair would grow, but then at some point, it would fall off. The chair... The chair you found me in, I've been sitting on that chair since I came to that building. I was never allowed to leave, I was never-never allowed to move. If I did something he didn't like, I would get punished..." She doesn't continue, she just shivers and looks down at her lap.

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