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Sunny Happiness

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Sunny Happiness

"Y/n..." Aizawa whispers as he gently shakes Y/n awake from her slumber, "I have to go to work. The building is going to be empty until 5 o'clock, so feel free to look around as much as you like."

"Alright... Have a good day..." She squeezes his hand before she falls asleep again. He smiles at her and pets her head slowly and then leaves.

"SHOTAAAAA!" Aizawa jumps out of his skin when he hears Yamada scream his name from down the road. He looks behind him and sees his longtime best friend run up to him with a beam on his face.

"You're finally back, Shota?!" Yamada yells out his question when he's caught up with his best buddy, shaking him by the shoulders.

"Well, I was only gone for a day or two. Also, I was here last week." Aizawa answers and stops Yamada from shaking his shoulders by slapping his hands off.

"No, no, that's not what I mean! I mean, you're back in the dorms! I've missed you, man!" Yamada exclaims, "Where did ya go?!"

"Oh, that. I had to take care of something important, that's all." Aizawa answers calmly and walks away towards the school with Yamada close to his hip.

"I see. Well, I'm glad you're back and fine!" Yamada hugs Aizawa with one arm and Aizawa groans at the contact. He laughs and they bid goodbye to each other as they now have to go different ways.

Aizawa walks to his classroom and walks into the classroom to see his students chatting, not sitting in their seats. He doesn't need to say anything since all the students go quiet and go to their seats when they see him enter the room.

"Hello, class. New week, new challenges." The students get rowdy as usual and get more hyped when they find out that they will do a group project. They will all get a subject and get divided into groups of four.

Group 1: Kaminari, Koda, Hagakure, Aoyama. Subject: War

They're going to do a presentation about the wars that happened before quirks appeared in the world.

Group 2: Kirishima, Jirou, Ojiro, Mineta. Subject: Animatronics

They're going to write about the animatronics that existed years ago but had to get turned off because of all the accidents that happened with them.

Group 3: Midoriya, Sero, Tokoyami, Ashido. Subject: Religions

They'll write down facts about many different religions all over the world.

Group 4: Uraraka, Sato, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki. Subject: Music

They will write about different kinds of music genres and how they got discovered.

Group 5: Bakugou, Iida, Asui, Shoji. Subject: Space

They'll write about all kinds of things about space, like the planets, stars, galaxies, and so on.

The students move around in the classroom and now sits in their respective groups, some complaining that they couldn't choose groups themselves.

"I will now hand out each group a topic and you are not allowed to change with another group. You have two weeks to do a good presentation and by the end of the next week, you're all going to present it to your class. You're of course allowed to work in the dorm to get it done."

Aizawa goes around the classroom and hands out the topic to the groups. When he's done he goes back to the front and tells them to start preparing. The student begins to talk and Aizawa slides down to the floor in his sleeping bag, easily falling asleep.


When Y/n wakes up it's 10 in the morning. She sits up and groggily rubs the sleep out of her eyes. She looks around the room, remembering where she was, and scooted over so her feet touched the beige full-cover carpet on the floor.

She sees something white laying on the bedside table and picks it up. It's a note from Aizawa.

I left for work, I'll be back by 5 o'clock. You can roam around the building if you want since it's empty until 5 o'clock.

- Aizawa

She smiles at the note and puts it under the plant so it couldn't disappear. Y/n stands up from the bed and puts on a pair of slippers she got from Aizawa yesterday and then leaves the room.

The hallway was empty like Aizawa said, the lights weren't on either. She walk to the left and come out to the kitchen, it was pretty plain.

She walks past the kitchen and comes face-to-face with the front door. The front door was dark brown and she could hear how the outside world was calling for her.

She gave in to the calls, twisting the door knob and opening the door, showing the outside.

The sun was shining in her face and she could see how the sun reflected off the school building, giving the school a beautiful gleam.

Y/n closes her eyes in delight at the feeling of the sun's rays warming her cold, green skin.

After a minute or so, Y/n opens her eyes again and closes the door behind her, walking down the steps and out to the pavement. She looks down both sides of her, deciding which way she should take, and decides to go left to come a little closer to the school.

She's smiling brightly as she walks down the pavement, blissful at the feeling of the sun looking down at her after many, many years of being away from the real world.

She likes the feeling of the sun shining on her neck, the sound of her slippers touching on gravel and the smell in the air, even though the scent is so different from her time, it still feels the same. It feels like home to be out here in the sun, in the nature.

She begins to skip down the road in happiness and the hours pass by with her just going around the school ground, looking at many different things and places.

But happiness can't live forever.

But happiness can't live forever

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