Survival of the Fittest!

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1. Dalton (c) vs Dragunov

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"The Following Contest is Scheduled foooor ONE FALL!... and is for... the N! X! T! CHAMPIONSHIIIP! Introducing first, on his way to the ring, THEEE CZAAAR OF NXT... IIIILJA DRRRRRRAGUNOOOOV!!!" Dragunov performed his conductor's dance as he walked confidently to the ring. The fearless Russian, "Unbeisigbar"... which translates to "Invincable", Truly the Czar was feeling quite "Unbeisigbar" with is recent success on NXT. And here, this match, was to be his swan song of dominance. Will Dragunov become the new champ...?

...Or will the Iron will of the Archangel himself prove too strong? Dalton stood with his back to the crowd, until the words "I'M AWAKE! I'M ALIVE!" Blared, at which he thrust his arms out to the side, like an Angel spreading it's glorious wings. Pyrotechnics flared to life, exploding with a magestic burst of light, as Fire shot up from the side of the ramp. Dalton took one final deep breath, then began his unusually anxious walk to the ring. Yes, there was stress. He was opening Survivor Series, and he hadn't been in the comapny longer than two years! Daniel felt a smile creep across his face, despite this. Dragunov was always one of his dream opponents, and here he was... Dream about to become Reality. but would this Dream be the Iron Angel's worst Nightmare? We're about to find out! It's time for the bell to ring!


Instead of instantly going for an attack, Dragunov offeres a hand to Dalton. The champion doesn't hesitate to shake his hand, and when he pulls his hand back, the two men then start circling each other. They hadn't done anything yet, and the crowd was already chanting "HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!" Dragunov made the first move, attempting a grapple on Dalton, but Daniel was quick. Dalton struck Ilja in the shin, dodged his next grapple attempt, then landed a kick to the back of the knee, followed by a swift knee to the back. Dragunov was momentarily stunned against the ropes, as he looked up at Dalton and grinned. Daniel had his hands up, as if in boxing position, and jumped back and forth in place. He'd done his homework, He knew Dragunov's style, and he was damn sure ready to counter it. Dalton allowed Dragunov to regain his balance, and at last, the two locked up, with Ilja immediately going to a rear waistlock, but Dalton was prepared for this, preventing Dragunov's hands from locking! He twisted the arm of the Czar, then kicked backwards, landing a shot to the shin of the challenger yet again! Dalton kept the pressure on, as he took a step back before rocking Dragunov with a thrust kick! Daniel was hoping to make this quick, as any Opening Dragunov has would mean VERY bad news for him! Daniel charges forward, looking for a Wheelbarrow Stunner...

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