𝟭𝟬. 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗮 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝗻𝗼𝘄

493 13 2

tw: language/ mention of sickness


Heavy and thick snowflakes were glueing  to each other on every surfaces outside, he was glad his heater was repaired not long ago so his office was warm and cozy with the nice fireplace on the side of his desk, he hummed, legs crossed as he sat back on his seat and his suit being a bit tights on the pant but it didn't bother him that much.

the male bent over, pressing the repeat button on his screen and sat back again.

"his mom's sick he's trying to get the prize to get her a surgery."

"oh yeah? what is it?"

"i don't know but something about her lungs, it's pretty bad she was in the hospital recently but he can't afford treatments... he's working so hard for her.

"interesting." hummed the brunette to himself stopping the recording on his phone and getting up in a really decided manner, shoving the device in the pocket of his pants before leaving his office, not bothering to say bye to some of his secretaries secretly crushing on his clear skin and perfect haircut.

he entered his gigantic garage and turned the neon on to take a proper look to his cars, beautiful shining cars in every declination of colors you could imagine, a really precious collection, it was his every day question.. which one to take?


"wow, really nice motorcycle."

vinny jolted back from his nasty work in slight fear, the masculine voice being totally unknown to his ears plus, he wasn't waiting for anyone to come over today. he turned around, sludge everywhere on his white long sleeved and messed up shirt he often used to work on his bike.

"the fuck are you?"

"oh, i was just passing by." said the tall male. "vinny.. vinny hong, right?" vinny frowned even more than usual, he hated that, he hated when someone knew about him but not him.

"what the hell do you want?"

"nothing i swear, i just heard about you on tv." the man got a bit closer and bent over to take a closer look at his motorcycle, half in pieces as he tried to fix it for months. "you're a really good biker!"

"ah.. yeah." the red headed male, hiding his cherry lock under a warm beanie. he decided not to pay toi much attention to the man since his neighborhood was made of such weird people.. but it still annoyed him to have someone being that close to his personal space.

"you live alone? you're young, where's your mother?" asked the man, eyes winced because of the smoke of his cigarette getting a bit into his eyes.

"not there." muttered vinny, hands stuck between small pieces of metal.

"oh yeah.. she's in the hospital i forgot that."

his eyes widened in a gasp, making the man smirk discreetly as vinny jumped from his kneeled position to face him, even if he was way much younger he was still taller than the brunette, blowing the smoke in his face. knowing such private details about his mom's health was concerning, even more when he wasn't really talking about it to his friends or just people generally.

"who the fuck talked to you about my mom?" keeping his cold mask on, he tried to intimidate the older male in front of him.

"you're a star now that you're on tv and with your name it's easy for everyone to know about you?" he said casually, trying to ease things up."i'm working in medical care." he searched into his pocket and handed him a small rectangular piece of paper. "this is my card, i can help you and your family."

"you're a doctor?" vinny's shoulder relaxed slightly.

"no, no sorry. but we can work together so i can use my contact to get your a surgery for your mother." the man raised his brows and leaned a bit to the boy in front of him to whisper. "for free."

"what's the deal, get straight to the point."

"i'm a bit busy right now but.. this is my card just call me and we'll meet up in my office, ok?"

"asshole..." vinny sighed as the other guy walked away.

he was so focused in his work and he got really bothered by this guy.. he decided to offer himself a little pause, he entered his appartement to wash his hands and making sure not to touch anything with his hands covered in black matter

while his hands were still all cleaned he sat on the counter of his kitchen, legs handing down in the void with phone in hands... but no texts.

he opened up the conversation and licked his lips carefully, as soon as her name popped in his head, images from the passion-filled night were coming along... to be honest, he was frustrated as hell.

it was really good for sure but.. he kind of held himself back? first times were so awkward to him that's why he never called back any of his one night stands and never really got fully satisfied since he popped his cherry for the actual first time. he just wanted more but it wasn't just sexual.. something felt so.. wrong? into him?

idk what to text but im not ignoring you

as usual, he felt like shit just to think he actually texted something like that. he always heard some of his friends being so flirty and so affective with their girls... but she wasn't, nothing more happened since the last time, nothing than just thin smiles in between classes whenever their eyes would met.

glad to know

we're going out later?

ew no its too cold outside

ah fuck, he thought, maybe i messed up somewhere? the boy breathed slowly trough his nose, not being used to overthink about a girl.

ill be at your door in the evening then

i like that plan
what do you wanna eat?

i meaannnnn

come onnnn
see you later vinny <3

his heart missed a beat as it calmed down, a bit soothed.



*ੈ✩ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐲 ‧₊˚ h. vinny Where stories live. Discover now