CH4. The Hell withing the Halls.

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The next few doors were uneventful. You, Miles and Droopy all walked through them in a tense silence, you ahead of them, not even sparing a glance towards any of the drawers. You understood them, to some extent, but it still didn't feel right to leave without Enya.

At this point, you were just mindlessly through the semi infinite doors. You wondered just how many there were. If you were being realistic, what even were your chances of surviving every encounter with these creatures (you had a feeling there were many more to come) and finding an exit to this place? You contemplated just letting yourself fall into the hands of fate the next time you were faced with one of these monsters. You were growing tired, and on top of that, the fucking floating head tentacles freak bit your thigh a few doors back, so you were currently bleeding painfully.

You walked into another room, Miles and Droopy trailing behind you, not daring to say a word, when you suddenly paused. To your left was a door labelled '026', while to your right there was one saying '027'. You hadn't been paying any attention to the numbers on the doors, it just seemed pointless when it was obvious there were so many of them. You turn towards your friends, who look like they haven't the slightest idea either. Droopy meets your eye and simply shrugs.
(uh oh guys this will not end well)

'Uh, so, which way?' you ask.

'Twenty six?' Miles says, sounding uncertain.

'I'll check,' Droopy quickly adds and walks over to the last door you came through. 'Oh. The number was erased, or like, scratched over...'

'Well, what now...' you reply after a few moments of silence.

'We just open one, I guess.'

'Twenty seven?' you suggest. You think that's the correct one, though you can't be sure.

'I think it was twenty six,' Droopy says, while Miles nods along.

You walk closer to '027'. 'I don't know, I think I've seen twenty six before,' you say.

Miles and Droopy are standing by the door labelled '026'. 'Well, we can check,' one of them says. They open the door '026'. Inside, darkness expands. Miles turns to you, opening his mouth to say something, but as soon as he does so, a bloodcurdling scream is heard from inside and both of your friends are dragged inside the room with screams of their own. You're quick to rush towards the door, but it shuts right in your face. You grip the doorknob and try pushing it open, but the door doesn't budge.
(fuck dupe bro all my homies hate dupe)

You give up once your arms start hurting. It's clear that there's nothing you can do to go after them. You slide down the wall and fall on your ass, pulling your knees up to your chest. You stay like that for a few minutes, expressionless. What is there to do now? All of your friends are, more or less, gone. You can only proceed through the endless doors, hoping that there will be an end to them eventually.

You push yourself off the ground. If you want to at least try to make it out alive, you shouldn't waste any more time on thoughts like that.

So, you continue to walk, going past the door with the label '027'. Inside the next room, however, something unusual catches your eye.
(hehe get it)

To your left, an eye is coming out of the wall, surrounded by an ink-black, slimy looking substance. Even more disturbing is the fact that it follows your movements around the room, never taking its' sight off of you.
(no fucking way what could this mean)

'Gross,' you mutter to yourself. You don't even notice the lights flickering, but by the time you do, you expect to already be dead. However, the freaky creature that rushed through the halls is nowhere to be seen.

You cautiously enter the next room, only to find more eyes pop through the walls, looking at you intently. It's certainly creepy, but you keep going.

You arrive at door '031'. Pushing it open, you are met with a room you haven't seen before. It's a long hallway, very elegant, you notice, with a red carpet along its' floor. You also note the sudden absence of the eyes, which slightly unnerves you.

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