First Day Home and Tantrums

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Perry's Pov

It was a new morning and the young teen boy awoke thinking maybe he had been dreaming and he was now in his old bed. The morning was nice and warm and the sunlight slipped into his room and warmed his face as he snuggled into the warm soft blanket around him and snored a bit. Perry was having a nice dream about walking around causing mischief, when he moved a bit and felt a wet sensation between his legs. His eyes shot open wide and he leans up quickly only to get a bit dizzy and has to lie back down and wait for it to go away. Perry sits back up after the dizziness has gone away and slips his hand under the covers and feels the diaper and he groans knowing it had not been a dream. The nursery he was in was just like he had remembered it with all the sports balls on the walls,changing table and crib sheets and blanket. The crib he was in was a light brown color and very sturdy as he tries to push on it to see how strong it is. The teen was in shock as all that had happened yesterday came flooding back to him including the small birthday party the werewolf had thrown for him and had given him presents and even a cake. The wolf who he knew was named Coal seemed nice, but Perry had chosen this life and so he was not too keen on being the perfect baby for the taller and more muscled man. He had seen what happened to that other boy yesterday at the clinic and was not in the mood to get his bottom smacked again, like Coal had done when he had fallen out of that apple tree in the orchard. Perry stands up and see's that he only comes chin high to the top of the crib and he moans knowing that he would be unable to climb out and starts to cry, both out of frustration and being cold and wet. He just wanted to go back to his normal life where he did as he pleased and was able to wear what he wanted, including underwear and not having to be cared for and act like a baby for the rest of his life. Most werewolf's he found out liked their babies to stay young forever, as they never ages and now he would not either. The shot they had forcefully given him at the clinic made it so he would never age or grow another inch ever. Perry was now immortal, like his new werewolf daddy and he wold sooner or later have to get used to that fact, but that would not be for a long while as he planned on being stubborn like he had always been and try to have things his way. Perry plops back down onto his bottom and lets out a loud whine as the soggy diaper made a squishy sound and got his bottom wet.

Coal Pov

Meanwhile, the new daddy had slept peacefully that night and was so excited about finally having a baby he could care for forever and love and pamper.  Coal woke up the next morning ready for what this day would bring as he knew his new son would not be in the best of moods, as he seemed like a stubborn one who would not take to this new life easily. The man got out of bed wearing pajama bottoms and padded barefoot to his son's nursery as he heard a whine come from inside it. Coal opened the door and walked in seeing Perry looking both upset and miserable as he goes over to the crib "Aww what's wrong baby boy are you hurt anywhere?" The wolf picks up the underweight teen baby and looks him over as he squirms in irritation making it hard for him to check him. Coal sighs as he turns him around and pops his bottom firmly "stop moving Perry or next time its a bare bottom one," he says in a stern voice as the baby stops moving. He checks his body over and see's no scratches or bumps and then his eyes widen as he feels the boys soggy diaper an he carries him over to the changing table quickly and straps him down before taking off the wet diaper and changes him quickly and coo's at him "there does that feel better now?" he asks as he dresses Perry in a cute Winnie-the-pooh outfit and some socks and sneakers. Coal carries him to the kitchen and sits him in his high chair as he goes to start making some oatmeal and a bottle of milk for his new baby boy, smiling as he gets out some honey to sweeten the oatmeal with.

Third person Pov

As the man was making food for his son, said baby boy was wiggling around in his seat trying to get out Perry was not one to be totted around and spoken too like he was stupid as he see's that the strap is too tight for him to wiggle out off. This caused him to fuss and get upset and yell out "I want down now!" The werewolf on the other hand did not find this an appropriate thing to do and comes over and smacks Perry's hand and say "Little boy's who are naughty at breakfast and demand things get punished." after his hand was smacked the teen boy looks up at him wide eyed and doesn't utter another word as his eats his food quietly as Coal feeds him and drinks his milk, while Coal eats his cereal and drinks his coffee. They were then off to his daddy's work where he would be placed in a large play area with the other babies and watched over by a caregiver, while Coal worked.

Perry's Pov

Perry was placed down in the play area gate and was told Coal would be back to pick him up at the end of the day. The boy who had been in the room with him at the clinic was here too and looked just as unhappy as he was as he comes over to him as Perry was a familiar face . Perry looks around and doesn't see the caregiver as they were not supposed to talk in full sentences any more and had to speak in baby talk "Hey how are you I'm Perry I did not catch your name yesterday, before they came and took us." He watched as the other teen looked around as well and says "Hey Perry my name is Eric, and I guess that wolf wasn't a pushover like I thought he was. He tries to get me to play and do things with him, but when I wont he gets upset and so since I can't fight him that is the best I can do." The two sit there and talk privately, making sure to babble at each other when the caregiver checks on them and changes their diapers when they wet them. When it was lunch time they sat next to eat other and ate their sandwiches and bottles of juice not talking or interacting with the other baby's. The male wolf caregiver tried to get them to participate in arts and crafts and other things he had planned, but he and Eric just sulked and refused making him sigh. He knew that the man would be telling their daddies about them not playing with others and not letting him do things with them like the other babies did.

Coal's Pov

Coal was excited as he and Wyatt packed up and left work and headed over to go pick up their little one's. When they got their however the Caregiver Nick pulled them aside and told them that their babies were not trying interact with him or the other children and that they did not participate in the activities and were staying and talking with each other only. He looks to Wyatt who nods and says to Nick "Thank you for telling us Nick they are being stubborn about this." Coal goes over to Perry and picks him up, while Wyatt gets Eric and they take them to a secluded spot and sit them down in front of them and cross their arms. Wyatt was given the look to go ahead and says "Listen you two we know you did not pick this and are angry, but you need to learn to enjoy this new life and stop being brats as it will only cause you trouble form both myself and your daddy Perry." Coal watches as the babies listen to Wyatt and hang their heads as he scolds them for being brats today. He takes over for Wyatt and says "Until you learn to play and interact with others you will not be getting sugary snacks or treats is that understood?" Both his baby and Wyatt's nod as they pick them up and take them home, where he feeds Perry and baths him, where he has to spank his bottom as Perry has a melt down and throws things at him during bath time. Coal sighs as he puts a new diaper on his red bottom and a onsie to sleep in as he tucks him in and tries to give him a kiss, but Perry turns away from him in anger and covers his head with his blanket. This made Coal's heart drop as he leaves him be as he goes to watch TV for a bit and clean up before going to bed himself. As he falls asleep he says to himself 'I hope he will start to love me soon, Because I loved him from the moment I caught him falling from the tree and landing in my arms.'

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