chapter three

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A/N: if this is double posted i am sorry but it is not showing up on the desktop version

Perry Pov

When Perry looked around he was amazed at how big the house was on the inside. He saw a big playpen in the corner and a bunch of toys and blocks in a toy chest by the wall. The boy knew that those toys were meant for him, but he told himself he would never stoop down to playing with baby toys. Perry was not the type to give up easily and was not going to act like a baby since he was a teenager and not two years old. He squirmed a bit as his new daddy picked him up out of the stroller and carries him upstairs and into a room that was large and decorated with soccer balls and other sports balls. The furniture consisted of a crib, rocking chair, chest of drawers and a changing table. The large werewolf sits him down and says with a smile "This is your new room baby boy I hope you like it." Perry looks around, but doesn't say anything as he is still angry about what had happened to him today. He yelps a bit as he is again picked up and placed into the crib which was much to tall for him to climb out off as his daddy says "I think its time for cranky babies to fall asleep", before handing him a teddy bear and pulling the covers over him before turning off the light and closing the door. Perry stands up and throws the toy out saying so only he could hear "I will never like you nor love you."He sits back down and pouts with his arms crossed for awhile, before his eyes started to close and he feel asleep on top of the covers.

Coal's Pov

Coal meanwhile was downstairs pulling out the gifts he had gotten Perry for bis birthday today and a cake that was in the shape of a football. He had wanted to make Perry's first night and birthday in his new home a happy one. The werewolf knew that his new baby was upset at being turned into a baby and that he would have to work hard in order to gain the young boys heart. Coal was a very dominant wolf though and would discipline his new baby if he needed too which that show that Wyatt did earlier when his baby acted out would hopefully make his own not act out for a few days so he could stay the good guy for a bit longer. He finally finished putting out the birthday things and saw that it had only taken him about a half hour and that his baby would nap for awhile longer. Coal decides to check on him so he heads upstairs and into the baby's nursery where he sees that Perry had fallen asleep on his blanket and not wanting him to get cold he covers him back up. He kisses the boys head and stroke his hair before seeing the bear on the floor. Frowning his picks up the toy and sits in back in the crib and grins as Perry snuggles the bear in his sleep. Coal sits in the rocking chair and waits for his baby to wake up.

Perry's pov

The young man wakes up and notices that he is tucked into the covers and the bear had been returned to his arms..He stands up to throw the bear out again when he sees his new daddy in his room. The wolf gets up an picks Perry up as he squirms wanting to be left alone. Coal frowns a bit and gives him a sharp smack on his diapers butt making him gasp in shock as the male werewolf says in a sharp tone "stop moving or I will drop you."Perry gives him a glare which turns into a blush when the wolf checks his diaper "seems you don't need to be changed yet, but I hope you go soon its not good to hold hold it in."This did not bother Perry as he planned to hold it for as long as he could. He is confused as he is carried downstairs and into the kitchen and placed in a high chair. Perry looks up with a shocked look on his face and was about to complain when a cake with a lite candle was sat in front of him. The boy had never seen a cake this fancy and so his eyes teared up a bit as his new daddy started to sing the birthday song to him and told him to blow out his candle. Perry did has he was told for once without a fight, but he was in no way giving up and knew that tomorrow he would not act so good. After the cake he had gotten his presents which consisted of blocks, a truck, rocking horse and some stuffed animals which he had never seen before as when he was younger his parents could not afford many toys. The boy looks up with tears in his eyes and gives him a small smile as he picks up a toy lion and hugs it his anger gone for the moment and he yawns and looks outside to see it is dark out.

Coal POV

Coal looks outside and saw that the part had gone on longer than he had thought and he looks at Perry and says "it looks like bedtime baby boy." the large male leans over and picks up the smaller boy and cuddles him close noticing the lion still in his arms as he carries him upstairs and lays him on the changing table and untapes his nappy and see's it is still dry "looks like i will have to help you wet you diaper tomorrow Perry," he says as he powders and puts a new diaper and places some blue fleece footy pj's on him before tucking him into bed where he see's the child is already asleep most likely exhausted from the tiring birthday he had and he kisses his forhead before turning on a nightlight and leaving the room to go to bed himself knowing tomorrow was going to be a challenge.

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