chapter 2

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Perrys's pov

It had been two days since the werewolf had spanked him and took him home after he had fallen out of the tree and he had been grounded as well until he birthday,which meant sitting in his room and no televsion. He was not happy and decided he did not like the wolf who had scolded and spanked him even thought Perry was not his baby and he was old enough to decide what he wanted to do and did not need some muscled wolf to tell him what to do. The young teen sat on his bed after he had eaten breakfast and was waiting for his mark to appear which should happen around noon today. After that he would either be given a trade if he was a dom or taken to the compound if he was a sub where he would go through the baby procdure.Perry lays on his bed and looks up at the ceiling frowning becasuse his parents had not stayed home with him today and sit with him after he got his mark and consul him if he became a sub.Looking at his clock on his bedside taable he see's that it was almost noon and he sat up nervously and decided to take a shower and try to relax and not think about the people coming to check his mark and taking him where his mark said he needed to be. Perry stripped down and stepped into the warm water and started to soap up his body and feels a slight tingle on his shoulder. This made him stop for a second before resuming his washing,but all of a sudden he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder causing him to yell out and drop the soap in his hand as he rubs his shoulder and feels a raised mark on his back. His eyes widen as he washes off quickly and jumps out to look in the mirror above the sink and he turns and almost cries as he see's the wolf cub mark showing that he was to be a baby to a dom werewolf who had a grown wolf as their mark. The young teen sat on the toilet and sobbed as he tried to wrap his mind around what his new life might be and knew that the werewolf consult would be here in a few minutes to take him to the compound where he would be put in diapers and footie pajama's and stuck in a playroom where there was a large window where the Dom's could see them and pick which one of them they wanted.As he stood up and slipped on some clothes there was a knock on the door and he walks downstairs shaking a bit an opens the door seeing a large male werewolf with blonde hair standing there along with a slightly younger wolf who asks "Hello Perry may we come in?" Perry nods and lets them in and the older wolf looks him over and says "we are here to check your mark please show us your shoulder," he looks at the ground and shows them his bare shoulder looking down at his shoes as he hears one of them write on a sheet of paper. The younger one looks at him and says in a pleasent tone "don't worry Perry you will be well taken care of please go out to the van and get in the back."Perry goes outside trying not to cry as he gets in the van knowing his old life was now over as the two Dom wolfs get in the front and start to drive towards the compound.

Third person pov

When the Van arrived to the compound they went through a gate which closed behind them as soon as they got through. Perry looked out with his face pressed to the glass as they pass a playground with a bunch of teen subs like himself playing and laughing making him frown "How can they give up so easily and forget their old lives," he thought to himself as the van pulled to a stop and he jumps as the van door is pulled open and he is picked up by the larger dom and struggles as he is carried inside and placed in a holding room,which was small and painted a sterile white.The young man sat in the chair he was placed in and watched out the small window as another boy was carried in struggling just as he was. Perry had never met this boy before so he must have been from a different town and was brought here because they did not have a compound in some of the smaller towns in the area. The boy was placed in a room across from his and he jumped when a door to the side of the chair opened and a old wolf walks in wearing a lab coat and has a syring with liquid in it in his hand.

Perry's pov

Perry looked at the needle and his eyes widen as he gets up to run and hits a solid chest in front of him that is the older wolf from earlier who had walked in while he was looking at the doctor. The wolf grabs his arms as the doctor walks over "Don't worry this will only hurt a little," he reaches over and pulls down the back of Perry's pants and sticks the needle into his bottom making him cry out at the sharp sting and the burning feeling of the liquid being injected into his body. He tries not to sob as the medicine continues to burn after the doctor pulls out the needle and places a band-aid on him and he pulls away from the other wolf and gives them both a hate filled glare which doesnt seem to phase them as the door opens again and he is heared into another room that was painted a light blue color and he see's it is filled with baby clothes and different sized diapers. Perry's glare doesnt leave his face as he is picked up and placed on a changing table and striped down,he places his hands over his crotch and blushes as a wolf in jeans and a silk shirt looks through a row of shirts before pickign out a light green one and then picks up a diaper from a stack by the changing table and comes back over "Hello there little one no need to be shy." The wolf pries his hands off and diapers and dresses him quickly leaving no time for Perry to voice out his displeasure at what is being done to him and is about to cuss the wolf out when he is lifted up from behind suddenly making him shout in fright. The teen knew he was no a sub mate/baby and that he would never grow old or die due to the shot he had recieved earlier and that now he had no chance to escape and go home and he looks down sadly and doesnt even look around when he is placed in a playroom with the boy he had seen earlier who looks angry at being here.

Coal's pov

Coal was smiling happily as he and his friend Wyatt were walking to the compound down the street so that they could see the two new babies that had been brought in earlier today. The Dom knew that his baby was one of the two as his birthday had been today and that he would have been taken to the compound immediantly and processed. Coal looks to Wyatt and asks "Do you think you will take the other new baby that came in or wait till nest week?" the other male thinks for a second and says "Im not sure Coal it depends on weither he catches my eye or not." He nods as they come up to the gates and show the guard their papers showing they had an appointment today,the guard looks to him then to Wyatt and nods letting them in. Coal goes into the entrence and up to a window where a young human women was typing something on a computer,she looks up to him and asks polietly "hello Sir how may I help you today?" The dom smiles and replies as Wyatt stands beside him "Hello we have an appoint to see about picking our baby's today," The secretary nods and checks her list and their papers before getting up and buzzing them into a side door "They are right through there Sirs please take your time looking and when you make your choice please press the button next to their window and they will be brought our while you sign the documents." Coal nods as he and his best friend walk through and see's a long row of windows which seemed to hold two babies a piece in them and he smiles as he see's them playing with a few toys and waving at them as they pass by. He had been here before and had already seen all of these babies plus he already knew which one he wanted he just had to go down and watch him for a minute and press the button. Wyatt he knew would decide quickly as well as he already knew what he was looking for as well. They reached the end of the row and he looked inside and saw his baby sitting there sadly with another baby who had an angry look on his face "They both look so miserable," he thought to himself as they stopped to watch them and he eyed Wyatt knowing he had decided to take the other baby since he looked like a challenge.

Perry's pov

Perry looked at the older boy and noticed his blonde curls and brown eyes and knows he will be a fighter like him and he will fight whichever wolf picks him. As he goes to say something he see's the wolf that scolded him a few days ago at the window along with another dom who looked about the same age as him and they were both smiling at him and the blonde boy who looked over at them and stuck his tongue out at them. Perry started to laugh as the wolf's gave him a disapproving look and they both reached over and pressed the buttons with their named under them,which scared Perry a bit as two wolfs in scrubs came and picked them up and carried them to another room that was white like the last one and they were sat by some toys,which neither one of them touched as they waited for their new mates/daddies to come and get them. The blonde haired boy said to him as they sat there "Im not going without a fight the one who picked me looked like a pushover,"Perry nods and says back "I think I will fight too." He looks over as the wolfs come through the door with two strollers and the wolf who had come with the one who scolded him walks towards the blonde boy and starts to pick him up when the blonde bites him and kicks him in the knee. The wolf lets him go and holds his knee for a second before he grabs the blonde again and takes off his diaper and starts to spank him as Perry watches with wide eyes. The wolf that had chosen him stands with his arms crossed as his friend turns the blondes bottom a nice red color before stopping and putting back on his diaper saying to him in a harsh tone "We do not hit or bite do you understand me little boy?" The blonde nods through his tears as the wolf picks him up and places him in a red stroller and goes out the door to wait for his friend. Perry shakes a bit as his wolf comes over a stern look to his face "are we going to have a problem too baby boy?" he asks as Perry shakes his head not wanting a spankin like the other boy had gotten and the older wolf nods and puts him in a green stroller and pushes him out the door and they start out to his new home.

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