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3rd Person Pov:

"Kendra darlin?" Donna called up to the now 10 year old girl who was upstairs in her bedroom writing away her thoughts in her private journal. Kendra had took up to writing a while ago, she needed to see her thoughts on paper to read them back to herself to try and make sense of her insane life.

Was she mentally ill? was that why her parents never let her leave the house? was they embarrassed by her? Little Kendra often had 'episodes' she had no control of them the slightest things would trigger these outbursts furniture would get thrown or smashed and yelling from her and her father could be heard throughout the street. The neighbourhood knew the Grimes were fostering children so they began to grow deaf ears kids when they heard the screaming matches between father and daughter. 

It was odd though she never set a foot outside the house if she was sick a doctor would be sent to the house and it would always be the same doctor; Dr Henry James. She was home schooled by her mother who used to be a fulltime teacher before she fostered Little Kendra.

She scribbled down her thoughts furiously trying to project her feelings onto paper. She needed it to make sense there was something wrong with her and she needed help. She didn't know much about children her own age she only knew what she saw on the Tv but she definitely knew that they weren't hearing voices in their heads. That wasn't normal. The whispers in her mind never left her, a dark evil was polluting her blood desperate to sink her into the dark desires. "Kendra!!" She heard her mother with the southern accent call for her once more making her groan closing her journal and walking down stairs.

When she arrived at the bottom of the stairs she saw her mother had a box of medication in her hands, she stared it for a moment causing her eyebrow to go up in confusion. "What's this?" The 10 year old asked.

"Your new medication, the doctor says this one is stronger and should show some progress" The woman said placing a pill in her hand before handling to the girl. Little Kendra sighed, despite wanting to believe the doctor, all his attempts to fix the girl never worked. She still had outbursts and she still heard voices in her head. But she saw the hopeful look in her mother's eye and swallowed the pill without a second thought.

The red eyed girl frowned not liking the taste of the pill quickly rushing over to the sink to drown the bad taste with water. She looked up to the window, all the windows in the house was one way glass she could see out but no one could see inside. This only added to her theory that her parents were embarrassed of the girl.


The 10 year old froze hearing the siren like voice, she looked around the kitchen noticing no one was in the room with her. Her mother was busy on the phone in the living room with her back faced away from her. 

Grab the knife

The voice repeated bringing her attention to the kitchen counter, a kitchen knife laid on the counter top. It was sitting there in the open calling for the girl. Her heart thumbed fiercely against her chest  as she tried to step away from the knife desperate to escape the kitchen.

Take it

Little Kendra was in a trance and before she knew it the blade was in her hands, she had no control of her actions her heart screamed for her to stop yet her body thought otherwise. She heard her mother on the phone laughing at something the other person on the line had said. 

Stab her, Kill her

She didn't want to give in to the voice, tears began to spill from her crimson eyes as she found herself behind the southern bell two hands tightly grasping the sharp knife hovering it slightly above her head ready to strike the woman down.

"KENDRA!!" A loud shout came from her father who had just came home from work finding the girl he was raising as his daughter with a knife in her hand ready to stab at his wife. He furiously pulled the woman away ending the phone call before moving back to drag his nails into the young blonde's arm dragging her small frame with no care of the brutality of his action. Kendra cried she had no idea what was happening, the knife in her hands dropping to the ground as she found herself being thrown down the stairs of the basement. 

"Daddy..." The little girl pleaded picking herself up from the floor shaking in the darkness as she looked up to the top of the stairs where her father's silhouette was standing tall looking down at her with disgust.

"You shall spend every minute of every day down here, the world is better off from the evil that runs in your veins" He spat angrily shutting the door with a loud thud locking it afterwards. The muffled voices of her father and mother could be heard making Kendra sob curling up in a tiny ball with no journal to turn to...she was alone in the darkness trapped with the voices in her head. Unprotected from herself.

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